No Rest For the Wicked by SMS by slaymesoftly
Chapter: Fifteen

06/22/2014 05:38 pm
Great reading this story again - 

04/21/2014 04:13 pm

And so they all lived happily ever after....... super fic, enjoyed the read.

Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

04/05/2014 05:25 pm
Sweet ending to a wonderful story. i enjoyed it very much. Quite mellow if compared with your other stories and that was exactly what I needed right now.
Have I mentioned I love all your stories very much? I do. Even the angstiest ones. Hope to get to read another one soon.
Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it. And, yes, as my stories generally go, it was smoother sailing for our OTP than normal. Just how it worked out this time. :)

04/04/2014 02:27 pm
Well, I loved it! I'm just sorry it's over!  Dare I ask if there will be a sequel to this sequel , or shall I just say, I would love to read a continuation of this story :). Awesome job!
LOL Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it.  I really don' t have any plans to sequel the sequel. That would make it a series, and I have enough of those. Never say never, though....

04/03/2014 03:48 am
Awwwww, That was a sweet ending. 

  I really dug this story overall.  There was something that was nice ans ...sedate? about it.  I dont know that sedate works,  but bottom line,  I really enjoyed the whole thing.
I'm glad you enjoyed it. As my stories go, it was probably a smoother trip for Buffy and Spike than I usually have them take, and Riley didn't have to be killed or scared off, so all in all "sedate" might work. :)  Not as much drama and angst as is often found.

04/02/2014 07:04 pm
Another great story. Pity it's over already.
:) Sorry? LOL  Thanks for reading. I'm glad you liked it.