Family by stuffandnonsense
Chapter: Chapter 35

08/19/2014 04:37 am
Uh... steps in the right direction? I guess?  I hope?  LOL  Can't believe after all these years of reading fic I have clicked on this every day to see if the next chapter is up. :)
Aw, I'm sorry for the wait. 36 should be up today or tomorrow....

Thank you so much for caring.

08/18/2014 02:14 pm
I hadn't realised Xander had laid hands on Anya and I'm not sure about her attitude to that -- I'm with Giles completely there.  This is a suitably disturning chapter with poor Buffy sinking and completely unable to cope, the last thing she needs is is a visit from Willow!  Good to see Spike hanging in there with Dawn, he's really trying to do the right thing.
You thought they'd be that shaken up by him throwing a beer bottle? I didn't want to rob Xander of confronting his (very much canon) fear of killing Anya. It was part of  him growing up.

I was going to explore the details of their fight in this chapter, but it felt unnatural for Anya to talk about it with Giles. So there will be more on this later. Very briefly, though, this was a single screaming match that turned violent while both parties were under a spell, not an ongoing abusive relationship or a way to explore the issue of domestic abuse. And I can't see a woman who genuinely thinks torturing men is a good night out is going to react with fear or loathing to that situation.

I was a bit worried this chapter felt like filler. Glad it didn't.

Time of Change
08/18/2014 12:50 pm
Just wanted to let you know how much I am enjoying this story.
Thanks so much!

08/17/2014 11:23 pm
I'm glad that somebody was there for Dawn. It makes sense that it was Spike. At this stage, Buffy is too broken to think of anyone's problems but her own. Perhaps it's time that she admits that.
Love the Giles and Anya interraction.
Buffy takes responsible for eveything but can't actually do it all; it's a pretty major character trait and (I think) was the biggest driver for her problems in canon season 6.

I love writing Anya. This chapter was initially going to be all Buffy and Willow, with  a paragraph of Anya and Giles, but then she kind of took over....