Exeunt by BuffyMeetsSpike
Chapter: All the Demons of Hell

09/22/2016 05:20 am
I really hope one day you will come back to this story and finish it.  Wonder why Buffy didn't think to make a wish with Anya to get a do-over of some kind.  She's had a Slayer dream about the battle with the FE and that alone should make her know she needs Spike back.  Anyway...great 6 chapters and really hope one day you finish this one.  

Love all your stories.

12/18/2015 06:27 am
I was so glad to see that you had updated this story since I've been here last. I really don't usually go for angst stories, but I'm loving this one. I had hoped that when Buffy found out that Anya was a vengeance demon she would have wished Spike was back without the chip! Please update soon:)

11/30/2015 12:15 pm

Some disturbing dreams for Buffy, they need to get Spike back somehow. It was also good that Buffy could talk with Anya.

11/28/2015 06:18 am
Glad to see you back in the game, here. Though I hope the crises are over, and if they're not, that you can deal with them soon.

st ephiny
11/27/2015 10:08 am
Yay!  I'm so, so so so glad you came back to this fic!  I'd reread what you had several times and loved it.  You do such a fantastic job capturing Buffy's levels of depression and the complexity of the issues.  Heartbreaking and awesome!

11/26/2015 12:35 am
So happy to see an update to this story!
So Xander is still being a selfish jerk deep in denial, and Willow is humouring him and tacitly encouraging his jerkiness.
Anya is still understandably upset,but it's good that she and Buffy had A Talk and come to an understanding. 
 Buffy is beginning to understand what she did wrong and recognise what she's lost, and once she figures out that slayer dream, she'll know that the world will go to hell if she doesn't have Spike's help.
Can't wait for the next instalment....

11/25/2015 05:49 pm
Very pleased you're able to continue this story, I like the turn it's taking with Buffy's strange dreams.  I see Xander is as oblivious as ever.

11/25/2015 04:49 pm
Xander really was clueless. But then it makes sense. There have never been any repercussions for his actions. He does some very bad things over the years and no one calls him on it, makes him take responsibility for it or punishes him for it. So he figures a quick I'm Sorry to Anya and all with be forgiven and they can go back to hot monkey lovin' like before. Not gonna happen. For once someone is holding him responsible for his actions.