The Halloween Series by spike_spetslayer
Chapter: Interlude II--Days Go By

07/28/2010 02:22 pm

05/28/2006 05:56 am
he's so gone :) loving this fic :)

10/16/2005 11:13 am
Great story. I hope Spike stops fighting the truth and gets back soon to Buffy.

10/15/2005 11:03 am
LOL, poor dumb Vamps. Spike Dru isn't capable of loving you and Angel buy a clue :P

10/14/2005 04:36 pm
No No NO .... Angel went back, but the bleached one kept going? ARGH!!!! More please. Good interlude.

10/14/2005 03:43 pm
Well this is getting interesting but I need more I tells ya......bring on more :) thx for a good story

10/14/2005 02:24 pm
Hot damn, Love's Bitch through and through, huh? Spike's such an idiot, but I love him all the more for it. Buffy'll haunt him till he HAS to go back....and ugh, Peaches stayed? Can the ego of that vamp get any bigger? As if Buffy can't take care of herself....hope she whacks him a time or two for his idiocy as well.....oh, more, please?

10/14/2005 12:22 pm
Excuse me for a moment while I just step over into the corner and kick one bleached blonde vamp in the head. Could you please have a chat with our hero and tell him to get his butt back to where it belongs. Another great chapter, more soon please.

10/14/2005 09:38 am
No... the wrong vampire stayed! LoL! I need more. Can't wait! ^.^

10/14/2005 08:57 am
I hope Buffy manages to find out about Angelus hanging around before he hurts someone, like Spike.