A New Dawn by Mefiant
Chapter: Chapter 6

08/23/2008 01:02 pm
I absolutely love this... it's just morbidly fascinating... then again I'm usually fascinated by the morbid lol. Anywho keep up the good work.

02/15/2006 11:29 pm
Really, really great story. Incredibly satisfying lol. I absolutely loved your Ripper. And what he did to Riley. I wanted to do a happy dance. Good job with this story. I'm loving it.

10/19/2005 10:21 pm
Giles is such a cold blooded killer... ::shivers:: On the July 2 saturday con day Tony said he'd read fanfic on the net, but that he'd got all ewwed at all the Giles/Buffy fics out there. after this though I can see the attraction ;) He's such a bad boy in disguise. :) more please!

10/19/2005 06:51 pm
Giles the Avenger - an excellent end for disgusting Riley.

10/19/2005 12:10 pm
OMG--finally someone with the balls to kill that evil git, Riley. Thank you, so very much. and this is sooo good!

10/19/2005 12:08 pm
great story, I like how Riley got what he deserved.

10/19/2005 11:19 am
Yay! Dead Riley! Dead Forrest! Breathing much easier now.

10/19/2005 08:38 am
Perfect end for Riley; I love it; your Giles/Ripper is perfect too!! I am so loving this story; can't wait for more!!!