The Right Thing by DreamsofSpike
Chapter: 19

11/01/2005 08:36 pm
Gee- that was painful! I hope things'll get better. Poor Spike!
thanx for the review, so glad you liked it :)

10/25/2005 08:05 am
Oh,very well done. Even when Buffy allows herself to listen, she still has that Slayer mentality telling her she's not doing her job. Looking forward to the next chapter.
thanx for the review, so glad you liked it :)

10/25/2005 06:56 am
Great story. Made me very sad for Spike.She just won't cut him a break.Love can be very painful sometimes if you see everything in black and white
thanx for the review, so glad you liked it :)

10/25/2005 05:19 am
ACK!! How long in this universe is Buffy going to remain stupid?? Vampire getting even = bad; human getting even = OK. Maybe she needs a little torture by some lovely humans.
thanx for the review, so glad you liked it :)

10/25/2005 04:56 am
Looks like poor Spike has traded one prison for another. Still can't get anyone to listen.
thanx for the review, so glad you liked it :)

10/24/2005 11:16 pm
So Buffy becomes crabby, holier-than-thou again...shoulda seen it coming. man, her compass is pointing due south/southwest, isn't it? hope it changes direction soon....
thanx for the review, so glad you liked it :)

Confused Muse
10/24/2005 07:57 pm
Ah, with an overdeveloped sense of responsibility comes very twisted logic. Bless her - disappointed in herself more than with Spike, but somehow, both of them end up paying for it. Wonderfully complex emotions depicted vibrantly :)
thanx for the review, so glad you liked it :)

10/24/2005 07:51 pm
god Buffy is stupid. Great chappie
thanx for the review, so glad you liked it :)

10/24/2005 07:24 pm
Man talk about sitting on you high horse, it would take alot less for a human to go totally bloodthirsty if someone was doing that to them. Anyway good chapter and I really like this story.
thanx for the review, so glad you liked it :)

10/24/2005 06:57 pm
It was such a sad chapter. I hope that things get right between them. I know she is the freaking Slayer but please she would have done the same thing if it had been Dawn being abused. Sigh... loveley update
thanx for the review, so glad you liked it :)

10/24/2005 05:52 pm
Yeesh - I had such hopes when he waved the Dawn or Mom flag - but no. There's a surprise - the dope needs to wake up and smell the coffee!
thanx for the review, so glad you liked it :)