Origins: Revelations by Niamh
Chapter: What love can do

10/15/2017 10:41 pm
i know this comes very late, I started rereading this after a few years and i can't seem to stop. 

Nilyra Blackthorne
08/29/2011 12:59 pm
Dear Niamh, 
  Poor you! It seems like every time I turn about something's gone wonky with your shoulder. What in the worlds happened to it that it should cause so much pain? Did you get hit by a car? [ I really hope you didn't because then that wouldn't be a funny joke at all! *crosses fingers*]
  Whatever the cause of your suffering, it definitely isn't affecting your writing skills. I've heard rumors about this series for awhile and your [pen]name is known to be connected to beautifully written, well researched and completely believable fanfiction. The fact that you can make a fictional world seem entirely plausible is an amazing tribute to the power of the pen you wield.
  I've been unable to tear myself away from my computer screen except to go to work and to sleep. I'm tired, my back aches, and I have a migraine from reading so much. I don't think I've ever been happier. Thank you for giving the world the gift of hard earned skill and Gods given talent. May you continue to write in good health.

  Happily Mired In Admiration,
    Nilyra B.

08/13/2007 03:37 am
like how you are working Willow's spell and the strong bonds, not only the mating of Buffy & Spike, but all the good feelings and relationships of the rest of the immediate characters -

06/03/2007 10:00 pm
I'm enjoying this story so much. I feel so bad about your shoulder though. I hope it's better now. It's amazing you can still write, and such a wonderful tale at that. Thank you.

12/09/2006 06:39 am
I only discovered your story today, and I've spent HOURS reading it. My god, but this is magnificent, riveting, like watching not merely an episode of the show, it's like watching an entire SEASON. You are a master storyteller - plot, pacing, description, characterization. I haven't read so intricate a plot in a long time. And so well executed. I'd write more, but I want to go back to reading!

11/23/2006 04:48 am
as usual, willow's spell has messed things up even without her intended results...i hope they figure it out in time to save dawn and casey, but i'm not sure they will...

08/21/2006 10:12 am
Chapter 37 - Excellant chapter as always sweetie - I cannot believe how selfish Willow is being - she has no conception of right and wrong - is that not part of the definition of a pychopath - shrugs if not it should be. She is messing with everyone's minds and I know this is going to end badky (not just because i have read it before either *grin*) Come on I have only read the story about 4 times that is not that bad...

07/02/2006 09:24 am
Your a marvelous writer, Niamh O'Conner.Your words excite me and I feel just like I'm watching the show only better 'cause I know that Spike isn't coming up with the short end of the straw. Everything that I had expected from you(it's a trust thing, and I do)even though it's hard with Angel still stalking it makes the story better, more suspenseful. Great work.

01/06/2006 09:48 am
Full of twists and turns, this one. I like it. Although, I wonder what's going to happen to reveal everything for what it is, again? Hmmmm....Got me curious. Luckily for me, I can keep on reading to find out. :)

11/11/2005 04:59 pm
Angel had better not hurt Dawn. {Growls} Well written chapter. I hope Willow gets what is coming to her, and if Angel harms one hair on Dawn's head ... Grrrrrr

11/10/2005 08:00 am
loving this story......feel better soon.....we all need you to keep writing.......

11/06/2005 08:17 pm
Love this story. Always happy to see updates.

11/05/2005 03:48 pm
I love this story... I really, really do. You do such a good job with Spike and Buffy and I love how you've changed the whole Conner thing.

11/05/2005 12:51 pm
Grr! Willow's messing everthing up again! I'm just glad that nobody, particularly Spike and Buffy, are being completely affected by the spell.

11/05/2005 12:25 pm
Hey Nia - Damn! I'm sorry that shoulder is still bothering you. I thought it might be all healed by now. Great new chapter - love that the claim is stronger than the spell, and the Willow appears to be having the beginning of second thoughts. Scary Angel still around, though...not good.

11/05/2005 11:49 am
Great chapter. Seeing a new chapter literally made my day, so thanks! When checking to see if the WIPs I'm reading have been updated, this is always the first one I look for. I was wondering how the whole Willow "twist" was going to affect Angel...oooh this could get ugly. I'm really liking Dawn in this story too, sigh. Man, I hope she escapes Cordy's fate? Hope your shoulder is feeling better.

11/05/2005 11:27 am
Well hopefully you know how much I love this story. Really pleased to see this new chapter too. Poor Faith having to peddle the flesh for her calling and Buffy. And oh boy the rest is great!

11/05/2005 09:50 am
ACK!! Willow has so much to answer for. Will Spike and Buffy or the Watchers or Oz figure out anything soon enough to help Dawn and Casey? Angelus is so bad and Willow is helping him and hurting everybody else. More soon please.

11/05/2005 09:12 am
I had to skip to the end right away to see what would happen to Dawn and GODDAMN IT WILLOW!

11/05/2005 09:05 am
I am loving this story and your other one as well. I hope your shoulder feels better soon!

11/05/2005 08:59 am
Wonderful update, and so soon! What a pleasant treat. What a cliffhanger...on the edge of my seat with Angel lurking around Dawn. Can't wait to hear what everyone else thinks of Spike & Buffy's revelation. Hope your shoulder get's better; what's wrong with it? An old injury or chronic disorder? Good luck with and thank you for the continuation of a great story!