Midnight in the Garden of Evil by kat_n_debs
Chapter: Surcease of Sorrow

12/03/2007 05:31 pm
Okay that was rather interesting and they were difentaly be pigs at the end. Or Men

02/04/2006 06:42 pm

11/07/2005 07:51 am
Oh my! *EvilGiles* You really shocked me with Giles/Ripper and Willow. The scene with Ripper, Spike and Joyce was priceless. Will Ripper and Ethan meet up soon? Fun, if creepy, story.
Thank you! Yes, Ripper and Ethan are on the cards, along with a few other familiar faces. This isn't your usual fic, and there are some unusual pairings so be warned! Glad you find it creepy - that was the whole idea! Thanks for the feedback, we appreciate it. :D

11/07/2005 06:15 am
Eviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllll Giles, that is fun. Can't wait to see where this story leads.
Evil Giles is fun! Glad you enjoyed it, more very soon. Thanks for the feedback. :D