Vanishing Point by FetchingMadScientist
Chapter: Forty

12/08/2005 06:10 pm
That sadistic and cruel son of a bitch. {wants to strangle Angel SOOOOOO bad}

11/12/2005 09:35 pm
Really love this story.

11/12/2005 06:32 pm
Wow! I just mean... jesuschristinabucket, what a twisted mind you have FMS. Every time I think Angel(us) is going to come through and do the right thing for once, you take it another step beyone the pale. This is exactly how I envisaged Angel should have been portrayed on AtS, but perhaps your presentation of him is too dark for mainstream TV? Who knows now. What I do know is that I really love this series but I think I've only ever commented once. My sincere apologies. Wow.
Didn't pick my penname for nothin' ;-) This is how I've *always * seen Angel. The tourtured do-gooder with the "get-Out-Of-Hell-Free" card made me want to vomit. I saw what was lurking underneath, even when he was being "Good." Thanks for reading!

11/12/2005 03:52 pm
Well well well, this is getting more and more confused as we go along but I'm sure in the end it will all make sense. I love the story and need more of it :)
Sure it'll make sense. I love conplicated stories, though. So, stick with it.