The Kindred Series by DizzyB
Chapter: Ch 6 - First Glance

05/29/2006 09:05 am
very well done description of spike's thoughts and feelings during the events you recounted...excellent chapter in a thoroughly engrossing story :)
Thank you for those kind words. I really enjoyed writing the journal entries. At one point I just had to say 'Enough' as it wasn't necessary to progress the story any longer. :P

05/02/2006 06:59 am
when i noticed book two i had to find time to read book one. i thought that i would skim through and catch up . wrong. Damn, why didn't you post this one chapter at a time. i could have found it sooner. this a fantastic fic. the way you express what some of saw, as to what spike and buffy were thinking. the tough scenes whether in the physical world (buffy-giles)or meta(spike 's thoughts),extremely well done. thanks for the fine read, but it is going to take some time to get up to date. but i will enjoy getting therre. thank you.
Sorry you didn't see this work sooner, but very glad that you've found it and are enjoying my work. Thank you for taking the time to review. Really do appreciate the kind compliments! Other than the initial 9 chapters which had already been posted on a few other sites prior to discovering The Bloodshedverse and which I did choose to post en masse here...everything else has gone up gradually as it's completed. And as my life has been crazy for some time now, I imagine you'll catch up with us long before I'm done with Book Two. Hope you continue to think it's a "fantastic" piece. :)