Vanishing Point by FetchingMadScientist
Chapter: Fifty-Three

01/06/2006 03:37 am
Ok, I thought I was confused a couple of chapters ago, now I am COMPLETELY lost again! Promise me that this will all be explained by the end, 'cause as of now, I have NO clue!! You are an AMAZING writer though, especially to keep it so confusing that you have no clue what is coming next. Most of the time, you can figure it out eventually, but I would be willing to bet that not alot, if any, have with this one! Keep feeding your muse those Wheatabix!! I'll even send you some!!LOL!
Anya's explination from "Dead Things"might help: "Human perception is based on a linear chonology." Not all dimensions have the same time flow, and for the sake of this story, you have to throw "A+B=C" thinking out the window. Kind of like what Mr. Marsters did with his Juliard training. To play Spike, he threw *Everything* he learned there, out the window! Having said that, remember, that forces are trying to "fix" Joni's mess, and others are trying to mess it up again. Also, remember how bummed Buffy was when Willow pulled her out of "Hell?" Well...;-)

12/28/2005 07:10 am
Still on the edge of my seat here, FMS. You are truly a twisted writer. {chuckles} No doubts about your moniker. {grins} Look forward to more, and I enjoyed the chapter. More puzzle pieces fit and more are cut.
*I know! It's great, isn't it?* But I can't take all the credit. Some of this is my muse's fault, the more Wheetabix I feed him, the stranger the story gets! ;-) Keep reading anyway, all right?