Vanishing Point by FetchingMadScientist
Chapter: Fifty-six

01/06/2006 01:49 pm
I loved the interaction between Spike and Buffy. His talk of having her taken away again made sense, but only because you gave me a hint in your response to one of my reviews. I love this story, and can't wait for the next chapter (kind of redundant, I know; everyone says it, but its true!!). Keep up the great work!!
There was a big hint in what Buffy said to him. Something about a "Gift?" More of this will be explained. Unfortunately for Buffy, Angel will be doing the explaining.

01/06/2006 01:41 pm
So happy to be able to continue this story here in the BSV after the tragedy over at BSC. I love how you weave everything together so expertly.
I am happy too. I don't want to leave you guys hanging! Since I like my "Spike" best as a vamp, the odds are good that you'll find most of my stories here.

01/06/2006 10:45 am
Youchie. Willow was all insightful on this one. She knew how it felt to want to kill the one who killed the one you loved. Excellent work. Look forward to more.
Thanks Tasha. I thought it was time that Willow faced up to what she did. I didn't like how they dealt with her on the show. Want Buffy back? Okay, *Poof* here she is, no biggie. Try to end the world? *lalalala* no big whoop. This time she is going to understand that what a person does, sometimes has reprecosions beyond just that one person.

Miss Rose
01/05/2006 02:14 pm
It was interesting getting a glimpse into Willow's head. I liked the Spuffy interaction it was beautifully bittersweet. Fantastic chapter!
Thanks Rose! We're headed for the home stretch here. Thanks for sticking with me.

01/05/2006 05:51 am
Ohh the angst is just flowing in this story and I love it :)
Glad I could be of help. I too am not too keen on the "Happy" stories. My stories have satisfying conclusions, but if everyone's happy all the time, I get bored to tears!