Never Alone by Lilachigh
Chapter: Chp 10 Treading on the Dark Side

12/14/2006 01:09 am
oh man...i so hope he remembers her eventually...what's it gonna take to snap him out of this? this fic is totally intriguing, i'm very much enjoying it :)
Glad you’re reading it again and pleased you like it.

08/12/2006 11:52 am
What she's goimg to fight him and what kill him now? Nope need to keep reading to find out how you're going to handle it. Love the story, always keeping us on our toes. Great read.

01/11/2006 05:33 pm
That's a bummer! He is having a couple of tweaks though, isn't he?

01/11/2006 02:44 pm
How sad and heartbreaking.