Strip Snap by Lilachigh
Chapter: Chp 13 One Little Word

05/31/2010 11:55 am

08/31/2006 01:09 am
wow....that's easy enough :) on to more :)

07/17/2006 11:12 am
At least William doesn't love her so she's not hurting him like I thought she would. Leave it to Anya to get the sex part right! Always like Anya. Haven't they had sex more than three times already? Oh, reread the spell and I missed that she had to acknowledge that she loved Spike, which she only now admitted that she did. Very good. Xanders going to have a cow! Really great fic.

05/19/2006 05:12 pm
The toes lines were classic! I know I've already read this chap but it's so nice going through and re-reading!

04/11/2006 12:25 am
Buffy has got to make love to William. And want to. Three times!”
Please, Buffy, force yourself.

01/12/2006 06:01 am
Great chapter. I hope that Buffy wises up and apologizes to William. I hope that she tells her friends how she feels for Spike. Look forward to more.

01/12/2006 05:53 am
Make love to William three times? That's some chore!

01/12/2006 03:35 am
Oooh, now Buffy's managed to hurt William. I hope she wises up immediately! :D