Lying Eyes by DreamsofSpike
Chapter: Dangerous Game

03/18/2006 10:33 am
who killed joyace? right should probably move 2 next chapter to find out. like this fic. too much
thanx so much, so glad you like it...the mystery is unfortunately not solved in the next chapter though ;P lol

01/14/2006 06:43 am
Well Spike is only out for vengance for what Faith did to Dru, I'm curious about how you will make it spuffy hopefully it will be a good thing and not feel forced. I'm loving this story so far although I don't really see Faith as the evil type, she always came across as sort of lost and just looking for a place to fit in. For the story to work I guess Faith has to be evil but I don't really see it, not in this situation.
i agree with you, canon Faith never seemed really evil to me, and as a character i always kind of liked her...but for the sake of this story i made her more evil :)

01/14/2006 05:11 am
Yikes! This is very edgy. Great suspense.
thanx, glad you're liking it :)

01/13/2006 09:31 am
Nice update. I like this Spike - out to get Faith, but not totally on Buffy's side either. So true to what he would probably have been like under those circumstances.
thanx :) yeah, Spike really has no reason to *really* be on Buffy's side yet...right now he just sort of wants to use her to get to Faith ... but that will change :)