Lying Eyes by DreamsofSpike
Chapter: Confrontation

03/18/2006 10:48 am
gr8. i'm gonna finish this fic. today hopefully.
lol...hope you like the rest of it :)

01/16/2006 01:36 pm
great update to a great story. thanks
thanx :)

01/15/2006 01:35 pm
Great Buffy's parting shot at Spike (I just ADORE cool, calm & quippy Buffy - she's sooo commanding) and her first encounter with Faith. Can't wait for the next chappie! 8-)
me too, i love buffy's quips...glad you are enjoying it :)

01/15/2006 11:21 am
Wonderful update. The confrontation was as intense and striking as I knew it would be. Great play between the three major characters.
thanx, glad you liked it, i was hoping i could carry off that confrontation convincingly and excitingly :) thanx for good review

01/15/2006 12:06 am
Oh - this was a great chapter! It's so easy to forget that Spike is not really on anybody's side except his own, but you remind us beautifully. Can't wait to see how you get them from here (hating and hurting each other) to (I hope) eventual Spuffyness. Good tension building.
thanx so much, glad you are liking this...yeah at this point spike had no reason to really care about buffy...changes soon though ;)

01/14/2006 08:40 pm
Hey, who's going to fix that door? I really can't wait until Faith's little world goes boom. Great chapter
yeah, this is pre-carpenter Xander, isn't it? for review

01/14/2006 02:09 pm
Hey, great story! Just read all the chapters posted. Really like your alternate world and the set up. Really looking forward to seeing how it all plays out. Like always, your characterizations are really good.
thanx, glad you are liking it :)