Ring of Fire by TalesofSpike
Chapter: Chapter 1:03

06/21/2010 07:43 pm
Now that's a bit scary. And I hate how Dawn jumped to the worst possible conclusions right away. I thought she'd have more faith in Spike. And I hate how Buffy, instead of setting her straight right away, shut her out and just let her be a snotty brat. Come on, didn't they learn anything about the value of open communication yet? 

And the end has me a bit confused, but I think it's supposed to, seeing how it's Dru. ;)

08/22/2007 03:43 pm
Oh no this is not good for Buffy and Spike.
Not good at all...

Thanks, honey!

08/27/2006 08:24 am
Geez, first Buffy has it out with her father and then Spike sends on her way, Willow and Tara almost got caught, this is a very diturbing chain of events. I'm very glad that Buffy has Wesley to fall back on. Was Dru on her own or was she sought out to help take them down? Very exciting chapter, Great read, even if it makes me nauseous to see Dru even touch Spike.
Well, I guess I'm so far behind with my replies that yet again you know all the answers. I'm glad you're enjoying it.

Thank you!

07/10/2006 05:31 pm
i'm a bit lost but maybe i'm supposed to be at this point...reading on now, gotta know what's happening :)
Thanks, honey!

No at this point I wouldn't say that you're meant to know everything that's happening. It might also help to know that this was written years before AtS S5, so I got Jossed on as far as at least one character is concerned.

06/27/2006 12:50 am
I liked how Buffy was struggeling with the need to trust Spike and the problems she would have with seeing him with Dru. VBery enjoyable chapter!
Thanks, sweetie! I figure no matter how much you trust someone, watching him leave with the ex isn't going to be easy.

02/27/2006 03:04 am
lol, I love this fic
Thank you and I love your reviews.