Vanishing Point by FetchingMadScientist
Chapter: Sixty

01/18/2006 02:46 pm
Excellent and gripping chapter. Nice work.
Thanks Tasha. Sometimes I wonder if I'm keeping up enough dramatic tension. I know what keeps me reading a story, but others-not so much. Thanks for the feedback. ;-)

Miss Rose
01/17/2006 05:35 pm
Nice parallel between "The Cast of Amontillado" and the goings on of this story. I enjoyed reading Buffy and Spike/Homer's thoughts. And a big YAY!!!, to you for making Angel quake in terror. I can't wait to find out what Spike is gonna do. Fantastic chapter!
Methinks someone doesn't want to deal with a guilty conscience. Angel's like a little kid who tries to hide what he's done wrong from his Mommy.

01/17/2006 07:38 am
Yeah a little Angelus ass kickin is always a good thing :)
I love making Angel squirm. ;-)