With this Ring.... by Lilachigh
Chapter: Chp 4 Across the Darkness

Way cool. :-)
05/30/2010 04:20 am

07/25/2006 06:41 am
So hard for them, now that they remember. Maybe they'll have a little fun once they find Xander. He's ok, I hope. Another wonderful chapter, even if it is a little sad.

05/22/2006 06:54 am
this story gets better and better...excellent job :)
Glad you’re enjoying this one. It’s got a bit angsty. It’s gone in a different direction to that planned!

01/19/2006 09:23 pm
great chapter

01/19/2006 08:48 am
This is a really weird story! I like it when Spike and Buffy get together. I wonder if they can reverse Willow's rotten forgetting spell. More story please.