Lying Eyes by DreamsofSpike
Chapter: Truth and Consequences

01/06/2008 09:51 pm

01/21/2006 12:09 pm
Wow, Willow sure is showing her DarkWillow tendencies, although you can't really blame her. Poor Spike, he's telling the truth and it isn't getting him anywhere. What's Buffy going to do now?!?
yeah, things are pretty rough at this point..thanks for review :)

01/21/2006 07:21 am
Woo! Chilling Willow (but we already know how vengeful she can be, don't we?) and scary Buffy. Loving this!
oh she's gonna get worse...thanx for review :)

01/20/2006 10:59 pm
Great reactions from Willow and Xander. I like Buffy's dominance of the situation.
thanx, glad you like it :)

01/20/2006 05:29 pm
Buffy's already part way to believing him or she wouldn't be bothered with sending the others away. more sson!
very perceptive of you thanx :)

01/20/2006 04:07 pm
Yikes! How is Spike going to live through this? Maybe Buffy can form a gang of vampires to go after Faith's gang. That might bring out the mastermind in all this violence. BTW, where are the PTB and the Wankers' Council?
thanx for great review :)

01/20/2006 03:49 pm
I like this story very much, but...I´m not so sure how much I like Spike in this story. (And I usually love Spike no matter what...)Í understands he´s angry because of Drusilla, but He did kill Oz, even if it was in self defense, and... how intelligent is it to try to drain Willow? Another one of Buffy´s friends. How is Willow ever going to trust ... or even like him a little? or Buffy.? I mean if he wanted Buffy´s help to kill Faith. Was it such a good idea to try to bite another friend of hers.? She saw that he was trying to bite Willow... Yes it´s going to be interresting seeing how you´re going to have Buffy believing in him after that... Please... update soon.
Yeah, but Spike always did act impulsively without thinking of the consequences most of the time..and he wasnt thinking that he was actually going to enlist Buffy's help, remember, he was actually just wanting to be sure that Buffy would kill Faith....and if he had just drained Willow, Buffy would definitely want to kill Faith...him too, yeah, but there's always a fatal flaw in Spike's plans :) lol