Lying Eyes by DreamsofSpike
Chapter: Secrets and Lies

01/27/2006 01:18 am
Gah! Why do I think I know what happened to Giles???????
lol :)

01/26/2006 11:01 pm
I've been wondering that for a while now. I'll be interested to see if he's still in Sunnydale or if not, where he's ended up.

Great chapter, as always.
giles will make his appearance soon :) i promise

01/26/2006 03:56 pm
Now I'll have to re-read it all as I can't remember Giles being mentioned! Grumble, grumble.
lol...i mentioned him :)

01/26/2006 01:02 pm

Really liking this fic! Can't wait for more!

thanx, glad you are liking it so much! :)

01/26/2006 10:16 am
Oh Oh, is it Angelus? Gotta know more!
not telling :)

01/26/2006 07:09 am
Did Angelus come back without his soul? Has Giles been turned or gone back to his demon days?
not saying a word yet :)