With this Ring.... by Lilachigh
Chapter: Chp 6 A bottomless pit

07/25/2006 07:23 am
Very interesting story you've got here. Still totally clueless, so I'm here for the ride. Don't know what to think is going to happen. Intriguing chapter. Good read.

05/23/2006 05:41 am
oh poor spike...buffy's words made me flinch...so the magic is dissolving...can't wait to see what happens next :)

01/27/2006 07:55 pm
great chapter

01/27/2006 04:34 pm
Enjoying the tale. Wonder how different CordyT is from the "real" Cordy?

01/26/2006 09:05 pm
Are the realities bleeding together? I thought married Spike was human but he just went into game face. More story please.
No, he’s a vampire in both worlds and chipped, but we don’t know yet, how this came about in Sunnydale Two.

01/26/2006 03:18 pm
Blimey!! He was just about to fix things and it stopped!!! Arrggh!