A Heavy Heart, Beloved by Jess Marie
Chapter: A Heavy Heart, Beloved

05/02/2010 02:47 pm
Absolutely lovely.  It rings very true.

Soul of the Rose
03/06/2010 12:02 am
I hesitated to read this because I like my Buffy living & preferably by Spike's side... I'm so glad I got past it to enjoy this beautiful piece.

One of the best Spike narratives I have ever read. Pitch perfect characterization; capturing both his innate intelligence (which is often softened by other writers) & his cheeky North London patois. You achieved the balance of predator & poet that is Spike perfectly.

Tenderly written, touching, heartbreaking. Amazing.

Soul of the Rose
03/06/2010 12:01 am
I hesitated to read this because I like my Buffy living & preferably by Spike's side... I'm so glad I got past it to enjoy this beautiful piece.

One of the best Spike narratives I have ever read. Pitch perfect characterization; capturing both his innate intelligence (which is often softened by other writers) & his cheeky North London patois. You achieved the balance of predator & poet that is Spike perfectly.

Tenderly written, touching, heartbreaking. Amazing.

01/31/2010 12:31 am
Wow, that is absolutely, stunningly beautiful.  And that last line, "And love died with her" is such a moving culmination to it all.  You are proof that there doesn't have to be a plot to grab a reader's attention (and heart).  A thought well-written is just as powerful.  Well done!

Time of Change
12/29/2009 03:33 pm
Completely worth doing.  I love that you write such a nuanced Spike.  He's far, far from an angel, and his humanity is agonizing, but he can't not long for the warmth.

07/10/2006 08:04 am
how heart wrenchingly said, but no less true. marsterfully written

Time of Change
02/23/2006 10:44 pm
>>Please review and tell me if it was worth doing.>>

Oh yes.

02/15/2006 03:53 am
Very worth doing, I loved it

02/13/2006 02:07 am
OMG ery powerful piece :P

02/11/2006 08:14 pm
that's very sad and heartbreakingly beautiful, while also stark and realistic... i love the descriptions of everyone dealing...or not dealing...with Buffy's death...thanx for writing this :)

01/29/2006 03:48 pm
I thought this was a well written piece. I felt his emotions. I would love to see more.

01/29/2006 07:14 am
Hey!  I liked it.  :)  I thought that the simplicity in which Spike used to describe his feelings for her, at the end, made whole chapter seem all the more powerful.  A simple thing and everything ~ & ~ To Spike, Buffy was love... I thought that was very cool!  Keep it up!

01/29/2006 07:11 am
A lovely piece quite poignant in its brevity. Well done.