Not So \'Normal Again\' by greenhair00
Chapter: Thirteen

03/22/2007 05:58 pm
oh man...i'm actually feeling a bit nervous, you ending the chapter like that...wonder if anya's going to try to exact some kind of vengeance after all :P
lol Sorry, didn't mean to freak you out!

01/31/2006 07:27 am
Yay! *jumping all around!* Buffy was nice to really, really real Spike for once! :P
Don't get too excited, I don't want you to hurt yourself! =) Glad you approve.

01/31/2006 05:36 am
great update.. still think that she should be with human spike.. :)
Thanks! As you can probably guess by now, Buffy's come to terms with leaving him in the delusion. But, ya never know, I have a couple chapters left if I decide to change my mind. =)

01/31/2006 03:33 am
Aww, yay! Very glad she said that to Spike. It needed to be done. She has been a bitch for a long time.
I couldn't agree more! I felt very bad for Spike all through that season. Glad you like it!

01/30/2006 11:44 pm
Is Buffy actually going to make nice in this reality? Be a nice change for her.
Can you believe it? lol I think it's time for Buffy to lose the attitude... for a little while at least.

01/30/2006 11:43 pm
Well it looks like Buffy is going to get someplace with Spike. I just hope that when this is all over, they can come to some kindof understanding and go from there. And hey, Xander working with Spike??? Great update.
I always loved when the show forced Xander and Spike together! The next chapter will have some Spike/Xander teamwork, but that doesn't mean they'll enjoy it.

01/30/2006 11:40 pm
Wonderful new chapter.I so love Buffy realizing that "her" Spike is the same man she can love in the other reality.
Thanks! She needed to be nice to real Spike at some point, right?

01/30/2006 11:29 pm
Love the updates. Please add more soon!
K! =) I should be posting the next chapter in a few days... I hope you can wait that long!

01/30/2006 10:37 pm
I like the way that Buffy is starting to realize what a bitca she was! She needed to say thank you more in the series itself. I can't wait to see how you end this story! Happy writing!
Thank you much! I didn't like bitchy Buffy from season 6, so I wanted her to make things better somehow. Only a couple of chapters left!

01/30/2006 09:55 pm
Aww, I wonder what husband Spike is going through right now...I know it was a hallucination, but still...

I hope Xander can find a way to get Anya back...and I'm glad Buffy apologized to Spike. I loved Spike's line about him being the only one allowed to call her a bitch. Sooo cute! =)

I know what you mean about wondering how hubby Spike and co. are going to deal. I like to think that their little world will still go on and that some version of Buffy stays there. Does that make you feel better? =) Thanks for the review!

01/30/2006 09:19 pm
This is fantabulous. Update muchly required.
Fantabulous is my new favorite word. Thanks and I'll try to have the next chapter Thursday-ish.

01/30/2006 06:23 pm
uh oh.. And thank GOD Buffy is not bitchy Buffy anymore to this Spike. Love the update!
Thanks! There are probably only going to be two more chapters, so I figured Buffy had to be nice at some point.

01/30/2006 06:22 pm
Why didn't Buffy just tell him where she went? I think that he needs to know how badly her really hurt her! I loved the interaction w/Spike and Buffy and am glad to see that even if she ends up in the "real" world that there is hope for her yet! Please update soon!
I'm glad to see that you like it! The next chapter should be up in a few days... let's aim for Thursday. =)