Never Alone by Lilachigh
Chapter: Chp 15 Echoes

12/23/2006 12:15 am
oh man...what timing that monster has!!!! and your use of those words at the end...priceless...lovely, lovely chapter, on to more :)
So pleased you’re enjoying the story. Must admit it’s one of my favourites!

08/12/2006 01:25 pm
Great twist on the words. They really do need to talk this out now stop interrupting them! Just kidding, gotta kept the story going, get it to where you need to go. Ok now Buffy do your best "Gentleman" scream. only two more to go and I'm done, then off to bed. Love it so much, thanks.

03/03/2006 06:35 am
Oh my gosh!! Oh my Gosh!!!! EEK!!! {running to the next chapter so fast she trips and falls}

02/02/2006 06:38 am
great. thanks. i love the last chapter ending. this one i hate... okay i still love the story.
Sorry. At least you liked one of the endings! I’ll try harder next time. Crosses fingers!

02/01/2006 11:32 pm
OMG - evil cliffhanger! Shame on you! LOL But at least they're talking.
Sorry! Talking, well, just about. But where Buffy’s concerned, this could change just as easily.

02/01/2006 09:57 pm
God I hope this is the breakthrough - dying to know what the slithery blackness is.
Thanks for all your reviews. Much appreciated.

02/01/2006 08:38 pm
ACK!! Evill cliffie writer! Just when there was a possibility of good smut, along comes a yucky demon. More story please.
That’s life! Always something getting in the way of smutty goodness.

02/01/2006 05:16 pm
Great update! Will the ole Spike be there when he wakes up and will he wake up in time? I can't wait for the next update!
Good of you to review. Glad you are enjoying the story.