Never Alone by Lilachigh
Chapter: Chp 16 Memories

12/26/2006 03:56 am
oh no...this is so sad...i can totally understand where they're both coming from though...on to the end, love :)

08/12/2006 01:47 pm
I hate when she's like that, very good portrayal of her. So weird that the Hellmouth is open again. Honestly don't know what he thinks he'll find in LA, everything he needs is right there and he's going to lose it even if he does remember it'll be to late. When Buffy builds a wall, he'll need Xander's wrecking ball to tear it down. Last chapter so let's see what you've got up your sleeve. Gosh I hope it's not a sequel.*groans*

03/03/2006 06:46 am
How sad ... {Sniffles} Her declaration about not needing Spike or anyone ever again. I feel so bad about Spike trying to find his memories too. That guy is going through a lot.

02/06/2006 12:16 pm
I hope Angel isn't all bitter and twisted still!

02/05/2006 09:55 pm
you do know that was not sincere about hating the ending of chap 15? anyway, love the story. thanks

02/04/2006 04:33 am
Oh dear! Buffy, you silly twit, go to LA with Spike now!