Wedding Bell Blues by spike_spetslayer
Chapter: Chapter 7

12/18/2010 11:54 pm
Yay! Spike used the talent shown in The Yoko Factor in a thoroughly redeeming way!

07/27/2010 04:29 am

07/22/2007 09:17 pm
Good work, SPike. Too bad the evil writer is going to mess everything up.

09/16/2006 07:17 am
That was a lovely bit of convincing Spike did there. And Anya will love the getting back to the bump and grind. And Spike cleaning up Xander's flat, that is sheer comedy. Lovely.

05/13/2006 05:36 am
good show, spike...i'm so impressed!!! let's see if xander goes through with it :)
Spike trying to be friends with Xander...anomalies unbound... :)