Lying Eyes by DreamsofSpike
Chapter: The Enemy Within

02/13/2006 04:30 pm
Bloody hell!!!! There's not much they can do to stop Willow - I don't see many signs of a better nature to appeal to!
lol..nope...she's too consumed with vengeance at the moment

02/12/2006 12:06 am
willow scary - me like scary willow - runs off giggling - wonderful chappie
wow...thanx for the good...slightly ;) lol

02/11/2006 09:32 pm
Gaaaahhhhhh......DarthWillow after Spike, this can't be good for anyone.

Great chapter. I'm glad Spike decided to tell Buffy no matter what happens. I love that she is already softening to him in general and being a comfort.

thanx so much for review...yep, scary Willow could be a problem for them... :(

02/11/2006 06:06 pm
OMG! They are all at Willow's mercy now (if she has any). Buffy has once again been deliberately ignorant of what is going on around her. More story please.
yep...she pretty much sees only what she wants to see :(

02/11/2006 11:54 am
Oh man...  That's creepy!
thanx :) *evil grin*

02/11/2006 10:26 am
Talk about being screwed! Either way the poor guy turns he faces "violent, gruesome torture and death." I don't know how Buffy can protect him against magic, either. I love the cliffhangers in your stories, even though they make me crazy waiting for the next update. Hmmm, that's the point, innit? Great update, thanks!
lol..yup the point exactly :P I'm so glad you're enjoying the story...yeah poor Spike :\ we'll have to see how things turn out for him

02/11/2006 09:46 am
Uff. Spike doesn´t have it all. Poor him. But I´m glad he told Buffy. Now you got me all nervous thinking about if Willow is really black Willow or not. I liked Spike´s brake down a lot,where he tells Buffy about his fears and that he did kill Oz, but it was in "self defense". Update soon please.
yeah...i'm kinda aiming for that, a little bit of question...cause she *did* lose the person she loved, and Spike *did* kill him... so *some* hostility is normal...question is how far will she go...glad you are enjoying it :) thanx