Always Invited In by Ariel and BTL
Chapter: Classifieds

01/14/2007 01:36 am
Of course, who better to hire?

08/01/2006 04:43 am
This is so great. The whole thing has me laughing but Buffy's inner thoughts about carving the chair legs into stakes and her being a super slayer really got to me.

06/22/2006 10:31 am
HEEE!! This is going to be a blast!

06/22/2006 01:08 am
*falls to floor laughing* oh god, I just got home from vacation where internet was untrustworthy and so I come to find this. It just kills me vampire condoms...if only...

06/04/2006 02:39 pm
Oh laughs my but off - this is priceless (sorry had to read again from beginning) and I am just rolling in the floor from laughter - again - priceless lol

03/23/2006 08:59 am
I love this fic already. You know I do.

03/13/2006 01:08 am
this is gonna be great!!! :)

03/08/2006 07:25 am
Yay, this is a great fic! Love the concept!

02/21/2006 03:16 am
O.M.G. This is so freaking hilarious/cool/awesome. I can't wait for more. This is just so great. Please, don't torture us anymore, update. I'm dying to know what happens next. Great job!

02/13/2006 04:50 pm
This premise sounds quite exciting. Eagerly awaiting the next chapter. Great start!

02/13/2006 08:30 am
OMG, I freakn' love thsi story so far. Can't wait for more *stares at Opal*,lol.

02/13/2006 01:53 am
LOL, well at least it is a Vamp that Buffy invites in :P Opal, Opal where is the next chappie?????? :P

02/13/2006 12:27 am
very funny scene setup. this should be fun. thanks for the read.

02/12/2006 07:52 pm
Cute story so far. Update soon.

02/12/2006 07:35 pm
ROFL!!! I LOVE IT! Please update soon. This is such a unique story and penned by my favorite authors. It doesn't get much better than this!

02/12/2006 05:06 am
Oh way funny!

02/12/2006 03:47 am

*snickers uncontrollably*

02/12/2006 03:01 am
OMG! This is hysterical. Oh, Spike's going to have a lot of fun with this!

02/12/2006 01:44 am
OMG! that was a GREAT beginning! I can't wait to see where Opal takes this next! Hurry up Opal and update soon! Pretty please!!!!

02/12/2006 12:24 am
LOL - okay, I'm looking for the next chapter!

02/12/2006 12:05 am
OMG! *falls over laughing* Vampire condoms? Do vampires even need condoms???

02/11/2006 11:46 pm
Oh this is too cute. I can't wait for more! :D

02/11/2006 11:33 pm
LMAO! Vampire Condoms?!? Don't they know vampires don't need condoms? This story is too silly. More please.

02/11/2006 11:27 pm
Hehehehe!  TOO Funny!  I'll be checking back!

02/11/2006 11:11 pm
laughing hysterical - that was freaking hilarious! I love it *starts chant* more more more!

02/11/2006 10:05 pm
Heheeh! This is going to be fun. Loved how Buffy is thinking of whittling the chair legs into stakes out of sheer boredom!

02/11/2006 09:54 pm
Great chappy AD