In League With Serpents by weyrwolfen
Chapter: Undead Man’s Hand

10/10/2006 04:57 am
Ok, I just had to say first of all I love this story already, and second I almost fell out of my chair cause I thought Spike had named his, um, spike Dave. And then I kept reading, and oh that made so much more sense. But still, I thought it was funny, and so you gave me the best laugh I've had after one of the most craptastic days I've had in a long while. Thank you!
Ha! Hey, I'll take a laugh, even if it was an unintentionally conjured one. I'm glad you're liking the story! Thanks!

04/25/2006 06:26 pm
I'd forgotten his naming of the harpies. . . which just made me laugh and I'd also forgotten how good this is, so I'm reading it all over again, so I can bask while you post the sequel. . . .

Hee! Welcome back! I hope you like the sequel as well.

03/03/2006 03:40 am
interesting start. thanks
Thanks for the review!

03/03/2006 12:05 am
Okay....After reading the second part of this story I traced the link to Spuffy Realm to continue reading it. This is marvelous! Wanted to comment here even though it isn't all up on BSV. I love this story and have just rec'd it various places. I see why there are so many noms (I expect it will receive more BTW).

I love your Spike. Somehow I think you are really inside his head better than many authors. Great portrayal. LOVE his new wee pet too.

I have a habit of printing the true fic gold and sharing with my (also a Spuffy fan) husband then binding in notebooks. This one is going to the printer now.

Thank you for the recs and for telling me about the printing! Both are incredibly flattering. I'm glad you like the story so much!

03/02/2006 05:04 pm
Hey there, glad to see you posting on the BSV. I loved this story when I read it the first time; I'll have to read it again! Loved the plot & characterizations.
I had a few people suggest that I should post at other sites. And hey, I like the BSV a lot and I tend to write canon vampire/slayer roles, so it seemed like a good fit. It's nice seeing the familiar faces over here. It makes posting a little less scary. (I am such a coward.) Thanks!

03/02/2006 04:25 pm

Just want to tell everyone to READ THIS STORY! If you love Spike, you'll love Weyrwolfen's stories, as she really gets into his head.
See, now you're making me blush. But thanks oodles for the enthusiastic post!