Cycle of Rebirths by weyrwolfen
Chapter: Promises Made and Kept

07/09/2006 05:05 am
The image of Takeshi viewing his last sight of Kaede, framed by the sunrise is haunting, bringing tears to my eyes.

It's lovely.
Thank you.

03/04/2006 06:40 pm
The cut from past to present is so well-timed and floorless it's just incredible. One minute I can feel my eyes welling over Takeshi's death, and the next I'm grinning at Buffy's cleaveage in Spike's face! This is an incredible work of fiction, and I'm really enjoying it!!
I'm glad you're liking it so much. When I was outlining the fic, I was worried that the time swapping and backwards plot might be confusing, so I'm always relieved to hear when people like it. Thanks for the review!

03/02/2006 10:23 pm
Excellent. Looking forward to where this is going. The katana holding all he is and was is obviously going to figure in for Spike. Really unique plot being well told here.

Yeah, who gets the swords isn't really much of a secret considering the sites where I post my stories, huh? Thanks for reviewing!

03/02/2006 08:31 pm
Hmmmm. Does Spike need to touch the katana of the consort? If Giles figures out what the Slayer and her consort are supposed to do together, will he tell them? More story please.
I'll be posting again soon. As to what's going to happen with the whole "consort" issue, I'm not telling. (At least not until it comes up in the story.) :-D I hope you like what I come up with. Thanks for the review!