Dear Diary by LiquidVamp
Chapter: If only...

09/05/2006 06:39 am
Spike's still my guy and I know that he wouldn't want her in pain, but I can and do. I hope that she misses like crazy and then if they do meet again, she will love him like he deserves to be loved. If only... two very powerful words. Excellent chapter, thanks for the read.
It's totaly understandable to want Buff in pain. It serves her right for hurting Spike time and time again. Thanks for the review. :D

09/04/2006 06:09 pm
Mean writer, teasing our Buffy. Send her a present, please.
lol Alas I only give Buffy what comes naturaly too her. Thanks for the review.

03/24/2006 05:26 am
I'm glad that you added on to the first entry. I hope that you will continue with more entries too. Nice work.
i have no dought my muse will find reason to add more to this. thanks for the review.

03/05/2006 07:20 pm
possible the two most terrible words you can say to yourself. wonderful, sad little fic. thanks for writting it.
If Only is one horrible set of words when put together. I'm glad you liked the story. Thanks for letting me know you liked it.

03/05/2006 05:28 pm
I just found this today and I really like it. I’m glad that you decided to add to the original entry, and I hope you continue it. I have always enjoyed stories that are done in the diary or journal format, and you have done it very well.
I woke up with this little spark that was just begging to be written so I sat down and wrote it. I realy am at the mercy of my muse.