In League With Serpents by weyrwolfen
Chapter: Tomb Raiding

04/26/2006 12:06 am
What kind of wankers wander around at night with butterfly nets?

The kind looking for vampire butterflies?

XD Wait, aren't those mosquitos?

03/27/2006 12:28 am
oh no those guys are hunting merret aren't they?
A good guess. ;-) Thanks for taking the time to leave a review!

03/09/2006 01:02 am
somebody wants spike's winged friend. giles putting trust in spike so soon is surprising. love the story. i really hope writing this provides you with even half the joy i get from reading it. thanks

03/09/2006 01:02 am
somebody wants spike's winged friend. giles putting trust in spike so soon is surprising. love the story. i really hope writing this provides you with even half the joy i get from reading it. thanks
Trust is relative. That's all I'm going to say on that for at least a few more chapters. I just hope that reading it is half as enjoyable for you as posting was scary for me. ;-) Thanks!

03/08/2006 07:59 pm
OMG! Are the robed wankers trying to catch Meret? I wish Spike could eat them all to prevent that. More story soon please.
;-) Hmm, there might be a little of that coming up. Maybe not eating, but hey, you can't have it all. Thanks for the review!

03/08/2006 07:17 pm
oh no ! I can't wait for next update hope Spike kicks you know what. Evil but exciting place to leave off.
I seem to have a thing for mini (and some not so mini) cliff hangers. I hope that doesn't get me pelted with rotten fruit. Thanks for reviewing!