The Garden of Good and Evil by Persephone
Chapter: Trust Has To Be Earned

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04/28/2006 10:57 pm
So far I hate the Scoobies , cept Giles - evil stupid people!

03/13/2006 08:08 am
Hmm Tessa should really be getting her revenge on Angelus too I think.
She will be very soon - Angel will be making an appearance in the story. It will be explained why she's going after William now and the reasons for it in a few chapters.

03/13/2006 05:07 am
the JERKS! *flails*
They really are awful, aren't they? They'll get what's coming, though, I promise!

03/13/2006 04:44 am
love the update. is there any chance of there being severe pain and unimagineable suffering being inflicted upon angel? not the so called guilt the soul was suppose to cause. nevermind, love your story and will continue to love, no matter where you go with it. thanks for the read.
You'll have to wait and see what happens to Angel, although I can promise you that he will get what he deserves. He'll feel guilty about the situation, but I agree that it isn't enough. I hope you'll stick with the fic!

03/13/2006 04:13 am
OK, I see why she's mad at Spike. Still, she should be able to figure out after being around for so long that Angelus and Darla are both uber shitheads. Now, Buffy and Spike have to worry about an "intervention." What's up with Anya acting so stupid?
Angelus and Darla definitely are awful vampires, and they'll be appearing very soon in the story, along with an explanation from Tessa as to why she's (finally) on a mission to hurt Spike and other people. Don't worry - there won't be much in the way of an intervention for a while. As for Anya, I attribute her acting the way she did to the fact that she didn't really grasp the concept of death at that point (as seen in "The Body") and her being her usual self at points. I love Anya, though, and won't make her act so oddly throughout more of the story. I hope you continue to like the fic!

03/13/2006 04:04 am
how sad for the poor little girl!! but i'm really scared about how she plans to make things "interesting" the developing relationship between buffy and this story :)
Things will get dark again very soon, although not as bad as what happened to Dawn. I'm glad you're still enjoying the fic!