Blood Bound by DreamsofSpike
Chapter: Preparations

11/24/2006 09:48 pm
Man, Buffy and Spike are so hot headed. And the ritual obviously isn't going to go well. I'm just a little nervous as to how bad it's going to be.
it'll be tell you the truth, i actually lost some readers on this one, love :) lol hope you like it anyway :)

11/12/2006 04:38 am
ooh! exciting!
thanx :)

05/03/2006 01:17 pm
Oh I wonder who is going to win this fight and it will be so interesting to watch spike's reaction once he ralizes what is happening. Does happy dance!
yeah the fight should be interesting :)

04/28/2006 05:41 pm
Again with the really nice build up which keeps me reading.
thanx :)

03/25/2006 03:13 pm
I can't believe that she is really going to go thru with it! Yay to Spike for really getting her going! Off to read next chapter!
yeah, he kinda got her that much more determined to do it :)

03/23/2006 07:42 pm
Really enjoying the story so far! Though I'm sure all kinds of bad things will be happening once the ritual takes place. Hee! Can't wait for the next update. :)
lol...maybe bad...maybe not so bad...glad you are liking it :)

03/22/2006 08:31 pm
make buffy loose please!that would be real fun
we'll see :)

03/22/2006 08:31 pm
make buffy loose please!that would be real fun
we'll see :)

03/22/2006 07:46 pm
excellent update, setting the stage for what,i expect, will not be the outcome the scoobies anticipate. thanks for the great read.
different from what anyone suspects :)

03/22/2006 03:54 pm
Bring it on sister! No matter who "wins" they both will in the end. Oh yeah.

Excellent update.

i have a feeling you're right ;)

03/22/2006 01:05 pm
Oooooh lets dominate that vampire!

Great stuff! Can't wait for an update.
lol...coming up :)

03/22/2006 12:05 pm
excellent I love itso far :D
thanx :)

03/22/2006 10:49 am
This is going to be a fight to remember!
oh yeah :)

03/22/2006 08:54 am
Difficult to see this bit of insanity going well for Buffy or Spike. Can she actually dominate a male to the point of rape? She would need lots of experience and cold bloodedness to do that. Spike has surely experienced this sort of humiliation from Angelus already. More story please.
you've got to remember also that according to the challenge :), buffy has a bit more on her side than that; she is the Slayer, with a primal force behind her that she really doesn't understand yet at this point, but that would certainly not take well to being dominated by a vamp...when it gets right down to it, her primal Slayer will come out :)

03/22/2006 08:39 am
Hmm I'm hoping for a draw sort of thing. I mean Buffys inner slayer and Spikes demon recognising their equal and match in each other and just deciding to mate ;)
that could be a good solution...:) you'll just have to wait and see what happens :)

Spikes Slayer2
03/22/2006 07:52 am
ooooh this is getting interesting!!!!1
thanx :)

03/22/2006 07:51 am
I absolutely LOVE this fic!! Now I'm waiting, biting my nails, for the action. More, please!!
thanx so much, so glad you like it...hopefully you won't have long to wait :)

03/22/2006 07:12 am
Thanks for the update, it seems that Spike is going to get his wish, alone with Buffy and no chip. I am looking forward to what's coming up.
yep...we'll just see how it turns out :)

03/22/2006 06:07 am
Good update. Look forward to more. Curious to see where this goes in the next chapter.
thanx, glad you are liking it :)

03/22/2006 05:37 am
I can't wait for the fight :P

Someone should remind Buffy of the saying "pride cometh before the fall" - Spike isn't "The Slayer of Slayers" for nothing.
Yeah neither of them have really beaten each other before, but one of them has always gotten distracted by something or one of them ran off before the battle was over. Quite frankly, Buffy's mainly survived by luck so far, Spike was about two seconds from biting Buffy before Joyce whacked him upside the head with that axe and Spike would have bitten Buffy in Out of My Mind if it hadn't been for the chip :)
i will just say this...its not gonna be what she expects...but its not gonna be exactly what he would hope for either... :) i agree, luck has saved buffy more than once :)

03/22/2006 05:29 am
Tried to kill them? That's a laugh. If Spike held grudges against Buffy, he'd have her tortured to death.

Buffy is responsible for Angelus (thus Dru) and Spike's broken back. The "it was an accident" excuse doesn't wash. Come on, it's a curse! Can you say desecrated?

When you look at everything that happened, Spike is a downright forgiving type. Makes Buffy look like a nasty bitch that she can't forgive his (mutual) attempts to kill her, which were just par for the course anyways.

Sorry I had to rant. You write Buffy very well and it turns out she isn't a very nice person.
yeah, IMHO, they are about even in the fighting realm, but buffy has done a lot more damage to spike than he has to her...of course that's not for lack of him's because its her show :P lol... i agree though, for much of the show, buffy was not a very nice person at all

03/22/2006 04:36 am
EEP! I can't wait to see who wins!
thanx :)

03/22/2006 03:25 am
okay, okay!!! :)

03/22/2006 03:13 am
oh are soooooo good, the excitement levels that you build are amazing. Please tell me that the next chapter is the one!

More more more! :)
thanx so much, you build my confidence in your reviews so much *hugs*...thanx

03/22/2006 02:57 am
Fun premise! It'll be interesting either way, but I'm so-o-o hoping Spike will win. It would be fun to see him in control for a change.
yeah...i dont do that a lot, do i? ;) lol

03/22/2006 02:51 am
*cue dramatic* lol...great update! can't wait to see what happens in the big fight!
lol..thanx, coming up soon :)