The Garden of Good and Evil by Persephone
Chapter: Justice Has Been Served

04/28/2006 11:22 pm
darla and angel are dead - wow - wonder how this effects the LA crew... (yes I wonder weird things)

03/22/2006 07:59 pm
love angel dust, mixed emotions about tessa. love the update. thanks
Thank you! I don't think anyone was expecting Tessa to stake herself, but in a way, I think it had to be done. I'm glad you liked the chapter!

03/22/2006 08:48 am
Well that was a sad chapter, the villan in this story was really well done and someone you could understand and symphatize with.
Thank you! I really wanted to craft an original character/villain that people would both loathe and sympathize with. I'm happy Tessa was believable!

03/22/2006 07:57 am
good chap. tho somehow i doubt buffy is finished withe tessa.
Although Tessa's out of the picture now, she's not out of everyone's minds. I'm glad you liked the chapter!

03/22/2006 04:11 am
Just when she was getting less annoying!! EEK!
She was getting better, but her death will be explained, I promise.

03/22/2006 04:07 am
whoa. that was powerful...and so so sad...i felt bad for pretty much everyone in that situation, even though angel and darla really deserved it...very great story, and i hope its not over???
It definitely was a tough chapter, and I agree that I feel bad for a lot of the people involved in the situation, even the people who had it coming. The fic definitely isn't over - there's still a few more chapters to come, I swear. I hope you continue to like the story!