Octobuffy - A Spike Blond Story by SpikesDeb
Chapter: Accreditation

01/07/2007 07:46 pm
Hot and gross.
So sorry I missed this review! Glad you liked it - it's kind of been on hiatus while I had a lot going on, but I'm back in 00666 land now so I'll update soon. Thanks!

10/12/2006 11:25 am
hee hee hee, 00666, i love this!
*grins* So do I! Spike Blond is my secret lustbunny. More Octobuffy is on the way this week. Thanks!

03/22/2006 05:11 am
Cool start. Think I'm gonna have to go back and reread the others now. LOL.
Thanks Mary. Spike Blond is my dirty little secret kink - whenever I watch a Bond film now, it's not him I see, it's our boy instead. Mmmmmmm. Thanks again sweets.

03/22/2006 04:26 am
**fangirly screams of joy** I've been waiting on this!!! LOL
*giggles* I'm glad you like. I'm aiming for fun and adventure in this one with hotness of course! Thanks bunches hun! *hugs*