Belonging by DreamsofSpike
Chapter: A Turn of Events

03/26/2006 03:19 am
What a beautiful beginning with Spike and Buffy, so tender and sweet. And what a terrifying ending with Anya being taken. Can we please add these soldiers to the 'To be Destroyed' list, in particular the one who grabbed himself when saying he knew a way to shut her up. Thanks for another great chapter.
thanx so much, yeah riley and his people are gonna get it, i promise :)

03/24/2006 02:48 am
oh noooo gonna kill ´ gonna rip´em a new gonna.....wait for the next chapter....hehe lol won't be waiting too long :)

03/24/2006 02:23 am
Lovely Spuffy and worth the wait. Thanks JL
thanx so much :)

03/23/2006 11:53 pm
Ahhhhh!  Evil!  Poor, poor Anya!  Her life as a human is so sucky.  Hurry up and update!  The suspense is gonna kill me!
okay, okay!!! workin on it ;)

03/23/2006 10:56 pm
DAMNIT!!! I knew it was to good to be true! DAMN DAMN DAMN!!! Oh, Xander is gonna LOSE IT when he finds out that they took her! Also, maybe this will help bring Spike out of his shell even lore. Riley probably knows of Anya's ex-demon status and plans to use it against Buffy. GREAT chapter, and I can't wait for more!
you're right on all usual... :) you are too awesome, and thanx for the great review :)

03/23/2006 09:39 pm
Riley probably had Buffy followed, or maybe he put a tracking device on the van before he came in the house and confronted them. He had been trying to find them all for a while.
yeah, he has had plenty of time to track them down...thanx for the review ;)

03/23/2006 04:39 pm
Omg! And it started so good, with sweet spuffiness, and now Anya's been taken! You sure know how to twist your story! :D I hope they don't hurt her or the baby... that woud be too sad. Buffy and Spike to the rescue, anyone? :P
thanx :)...yep, time for our heroes to go to battle :)

03/23/2006 03:56 pm
Yikes! Come on Xander - shift your arse!
thanx for review :)

03/23/2006 02:45 pm
I guess the house wasn't as protected as they thought unless their is a spy in the house.
no comment :)

Spikes Slayer2
03/23/2006 01:26 pm
Lions and tigers and bears.. OH MY!!!..... this is not good.. yaya for ahya being preg but not for rileys sick twisted things..
yep, sick and twisted is riley...but he will pay

03/23/2006 12:09 pm
Hey, sorry I stopped leaving a review a chap but I've found myself with very little time to read lately and so I just wanted to get caught up!

Very much enjoying the story. I am glad that Buffy and Spike were able to finally get the communication thing working properly! lol.

I'm VERY worried about Anya and her baby and intrigued to see where the story goes from here.

Thanks for an enjoyable read so far!
lol...that's okay...i'm up to fifty chapters, can't expect a review each.. :P glad you are enjoying it...thanx for the review

03/23/2006 10:39 am
OMG that is so sad - I hope the baby is okay - please please let the baby be okay. Whimpers and curls into a ball.
sorry bout the scary cliffie....thanx for the review ;)

03/23/2006 05:59 am
Oh no! Well, this can't be good. I've decided Riley should get the Warren treatment (you know--extreme skinning) and be rolled around in a bed of salt. For starters. The love scene between Buffy and Spike was great--very tender and sweet, not to mention steamy (my glasses fogged up twice). Great work!
oh yeah...that would work, wouldn't it? i like that idea...glad you liked the smutty part... :) thanx

03/23/2006 05:57 am
omg! NO!!! ohhhh evil cliffie!!! whines, great update though! i loved the tender spuffy lovin'!
thanx, glad you liked it :)

03/23/2006 04:45 am
Oh god....JL...I'm wasn't expecting somebody once wrote of Riley: 'That dog needs to be put down'

he sure does, doesn't he? and he will be eventually :)

03/23/2006 04:34 am
OMG *breaks out the axe* I'm sooo gonna hurt Riley.
lol...yes, he deserves it, doesn't he?