Aloha my love by Isabel
Chapter: Road trip

02/25/2007 06:39 pm
Ben is a big a weasel as his father. Buffy driving is too too scary.

04/02/2006 12:06 pm
Buffy driving? Spike really was taking his life in his hands. :) I loved all of Buffy's snide comments about men and driving, they were funny and true. I am really looking forward to how the situation with the monster turns out, and how they are going to survive. Thanks for a great story.

03/31/2006 10:11 am
Surely our dynamic duo will see off the clunky monster - please.

03/31/2006 07:18 am
As much as I enjoy Ben tormenting Carlita, I don't think angering is going to end too well for him. And poor Spike all cooped up in the backseat with Buffy driving. That is a trying time. And now... well, cant wait for an update so see what happens next. Great chapter. And, please, update soon.
Oh yeah, he's pushing his luck big time lol I'll try to update soon, promise.

03/31/2006 07:04 am
omg!!! please no!!

03/31/2006 06:13 am
Oooo irritating dego bitch! *attacks with claws*
Go for the eyes! lol

03/31/2006 04:45 am
Interesting! You know they will be ok, they are Buffy and Spike, they will always be ok!

03/31/2006 01:53 am
What is that big demon? Is it a hell hound? Loved the Buffy driving adventure. I am always amazed that a California girl of that age cannot drive. More story please.
I know. She's hopeless. But she can kick a Fyarl demon's ass in fifteen seconds flat, so I guess that counts for something ;) Maybe Spike could give her driving lessons when they get back home. Not in his Desoto though. He'd be too worried for his baby lol

03/31/2006 12:14 am
good update. evil place to stop. thanks for the fun read.
Yes, really bad place for the car to break down. Especially since it's getting dark. Stuck in the middle of a forest after dark with no weapon and a thing as big as a truck following you, not so fun. But they're Spike and Buffy, so there's nothing to worry about. Hopefully ;)

03/30/2006 11:50 pm
goood chapterr

03/30/2006 10:07 pm
alright they are lost, their jeep's not working and a monster is chasing them! i think Buffy should ask the council to refund their vacation once this is over.
LOL I just might use that ;) Thanks for all your reviews!