Button, Button by anaunthe
Chapter: 3. Rendezvous

04/25/2016 12:55 pm
This is so strange - Buffy wanting to be with him and wanting their sexual encounters - this is nothing like the relationship with Spike in seson six.  Sure as hell hope there is a good reason for this behavior - 

02/06/2008 02:18 pm
Allright,good,Bangelus and all...but a little Spuffy wouldn't be so bad,either. Besides,what's with Buffy fallin' in love with Angelus? I feel like I'm readin'  ssn 6 with Angelus rather than Spike. And,about him...;)

09/06/2006 11:22 pm
oh i LOVE this. I know I should want her with spike, and I know obviously since this is a spuffy site, she will be eventually but i'm kindof hoping you'll kill off dru and let buffy angelus and spike live in a menage a trois. Pretty please? What a sick sick puppy I am. hehehe. ;)
see above

09/06/2006 11:20 pm
oh i LOVE this. I know I should want her with spike, and I know obviously since this is a spuffy site, she will be eventually but i'm kindof hoping you'll kill off dru and let buffy angelus and spike live in a menage a trois. Pretty please? What a sick sick puppy I am. hehehe. ;)
Yeah, I always thought that since Spike and Dru 'grew up' among a menage a quatra, that would seem kind of natural to them both - it certainly seems to be Dru's ambition to get all four of them back together again.

06/07/2006 09:41 am
What's with Angelus? We all know that he's not to be trusted and I can't feel sorry for Buffy, she deserves anything she gets from him. How can Spike top Angelus if he's all nice and gentle and loving toward Buffy? This is just making me crazy! Spuffyness soon please!!!
Really, do you think Angelus can continue to be "nice, gentle and loving"?

05/12/2006 01:10 am
I really enjoyed this chapter and how you are portraying buffy and angelus. This is a really good story so far and can't wait to see where you take it!
Thank you, thank you. I hope it remains believable. Glad you're not squicking about the Angelus bits - can't really have B/S/A without B/A, and it just made sense that that's where it would start in season 2.

05/11/2006 03:21 am
very interesting Angel/Angelus development.
Thanks. Most people on this site seem to really dislike the Angelus bits - but they really needed to be there.

04/06/2006 11:35 am
Schizo Angel is is very creepy and this Buffy can't resist him? An interesting variation!
Yeah, I had to think hard about how to make it work. See if Buffy's explanation makes sense to you.

04/06/2006 05:59 am
*whimpers* I want my spikey, I'm an impatient person
Okay, soon. First we'll see the happy family all together. Then Spike and Buffy will meet in an unexpected way.

04/06/2006 04:51 am
"But Angelus was a master at twisting the truth to suit his own purposes. "
Another way Angelus and Angel are alike.

Great update. Can't wait to see how you turn this into a Spuffy story. Enjoying the ride in the meantime.

Very well written and filled with suspense.

Thanks. I agree - I can't stand Angel. I'd rather write Angelus any day. And the Buffy will begin soon. I don't want to give away too much more than that.