It's Not Enough by Morrigan
Chapter: Forget
04/11/2006 06:04 pm
Great story. i have always wanted this concept explored more and have never seen it yet. so thanks and keep going! --holly
Glad you are enjoying it!  I'm posting the next chapter tonight.  Thanks for reviewing!

04/10/2006 11:48 am
I think it'd be something I'd want to remember!
*L*  Thanks for the review!

04/10/2006 05:48 am
just glad that at least Spike is getting through to her. I can't wait to see what Oz has to say once he finds out about everything.
You might be surprised about what Oz already knows.  *EG*  Thanks for the review!

04/10/2006 02:43 am
another excellent read and an evil placce to stop. can buffy be finally waking up or is she going to to screw spike over, again? waiting for the next excellent chapter, hopefully,without the evil stopping point. thanks for the read.
Sorry.  I'm a bad, rude girl.  *EG*  Buffy might have a clue, finally.  Thanks for reviewing!

04/10/2006 02:36 am
I forgot to review, Sorry. Great chappy. More Spuffy please.
*L*  Thanks!

04/10/2006 12:33 am
Oz's reaction when Giles' said that they were in the middle of a situation gives me a feeling that he might be able to add more then just another person to their fight. I loved that Spike showed and not explained the difference in her senses to Buffy, explaining never worked quite as well with her. Buffy realizing how safe she felt around Spike, and no longer understanding why she ever was afraid she would kill him, and accepting that he truly loves her no matter what, has me hoping that she will now allow herself to return his feelings. The way this chapter ended gives me hope, but it also leaves me with fear that she might really hurt him again. Thanks for the great update, I am really enjoying this fic. :)
Thank you, so much for the great, in-depth review!  You got everything I was trying to put across spot on.  I wouldn't worry too much about Buffy's intentions right now.  She might, finally, be getting a clue! *L*

04/09/2006 06:29 pm
Very clever way of making us beg for more. OK, I'm begging. Leaving off just before the Spuffy smut is underhanded but effective. WEG
I know, I'm a meanie.  But, I figured after a long hiatus, I needed *something* to get people back!  And potential smut promising cliffies are fun!  Hehe  Promise to update soon!  Thanks for the review

04/09/2006 04:30 pm
lol, very good chappie
Thanks, Wulfie.  Glad ya liked it.  :)

04/09/2006 02:44 pm
Ah, good, he finally got the point across to her about being a fledge now.

What's she up to with the kissing? Don't break his heart again, Buffy.

Oh, and I think you meant "accept" in a few places, not "except".
Yeah, I had a bit of trouble re-editing this last night. Thanks for the heads up.  Don't worry.  I don't think Buffy plans to hurt him, this time!  *EG*  Thanks for the review.