Blood Bound by DreamsofSpike
Chapter: The Discovery

12/04/2008 03:43 pm
Cruel Buffy is good to =)

12/08/2007 02:20 am
Well, darn! You had me all Buffy-Hating and then you take it away! I felt like stepping in and taking her Spike away until she learned to treat him better.....What am I sayin? I'd never give him back!
lol...yeah, it's not all her fault, poor girl, though in some ways it is...thanx so much for your kind review, love :)

06/03/2007 06:59 am
you are a really talented writer and i'm not judging you are anything but your story makes me hate buffy and i really don't wanna hate buffy dislike maybe but not hate so i will recommend your story to people but i don't think i can read it anymore but because your such a good writer and i hate unfinished stories i will finish it i hope that buffy gets better because it's not going to good for me right now you pretty much just talked yourself into finishing in the course of writing this review, is that right? :) if so, i'm glad, but i understand if it's too much for you...i know it's very very dark, but it does get better...thanx for your kind review :)

11/12/2006 05:37 am
ooh, curiouser and curiouser
thanx :)

06/06/2006 02:25 am
Holy Crap! I realize that you very well may not be checking as you are already 15 chapters later, but this is incredible, and i need to review now! The was this is being done reminds me of season 6 buffy (obviously) but the way that you make there be a distinct line between uber-Bitchy!Buffy as opposed to normal kinda-Bitchy!buffy is incredible. It's almost as if her resurrection blurred the line between the feral side and the normal side. I am not quite sure if this is what you were getting at, or i am just taking this a couple steps further than i should; but either way this is amazing. Great work, and i cannot wait to read the next chapters.

thanx so much for your review...yes, that was quite deliberate actually, for the most part...this is an exagerration and an exploration, to a certain extent, of some of the issues in season six :) glad you enjoyed the chapter :)

05/03/2006 02:52 pm
Oh nice - why hadn;t the chip fired - ohhh very nice update
you'll see :)

04/16/2006 03:58 pm
Great twist JL - I can hardly wait for Buffy to explain this to Giles.
thanx ;)

04/16/2006 01:31 am
ohhh, wonder what that means exactly...hmmm, all kinds of things running through my wait to see how close any of them
we'll see ;)

04/14/2006 10:36 pm
OOoh, love great updates at work, make the day slightly more tolerable for a little while.

Oh poor spike, I was aching for him this chapter. What is going on with the Buffster, I won't even begin to try to guess and I will patiently (biting my nails) wait fo rthe next update.
yeah, she's treating him pretty bad, huh? but there is a reason for it and it will be revealed soon

04/14/2006 10:24 pm
damn gonna kill her myself...bloody evil bitch....i dont think ive ever wanted to strangle buffy before...spike yes but BUFFY noo...this is all new to please if anyone is feeling like me...please tell me...cuz well i think we need to start some kind of help program for tramatized victims *lol*...kiddin there people...ok maybe not...but thats not the *shifty eyes*...heh anyway gREAT job with this chappie...KEEP IT UP
lol...yeah she's being pretty evil...are you kidding?? I wanted to strangle her all the time!! she's pretty much evil to him all the time in the show... :) lol...thanx for the review :)

04/14/2006 07:44 am
intense, sad, frightening. wonderful read thank you.
thanx :)

04/14/2006 05:43 am
OMG! That slayer demon, or whatever it is, seems to be closely related to Angelus with the cruelty. I hope Spike finds a way to level this playing field.
yep, she's being pretty evil isn't she? thanx :)
04/14/2006 03:51 am
Wow, I almost cried for Spike. Poor baby. Maybe he should come over my way and I'll kiss it better. Heehee first :)

04/14/2006 01:03 am
Some one needs to get her Demon under control. Poor Spike, Hope he gets his.
you're so right...thanx :)

04/14/2006 12:26 am
Okay, now we're getting somewhere! Can't wait to see when you go with this.
thanx :)

04/13/2006 08:50 pm
oh god poor buffy. I meen i totally feel for spike but Buffy has no real idea what is going on and it is hurting her too. oh dear
yours is a rare and refreshing opinion :) thanx lol

04/13/2006 07:00 pm
Just goes to show what an amazing writer you are that you had me cringing throughout the chapter, yet on the edge of my seat awaiting the next. More soon? Pretty please? *bats eyes*
thanx so much, kind of the reaction i was going for :)

04/13/2006 06:47 pm
okay i love you, but cut spike a chance here. i can't wait to see what he does with this info(chip not working. more soon please.
oh he will use it to his advantage ;)

04/13/2006 06:32 pm
I'm a Spuffy because I adore Spike and I so wanted Joss to do something more positive with this relationship. IMHO, this love story could have matched or transcended all other love stories in print or on the little and big screen. I have to tell you that Buffy was my least favorite character on BTVS way before the series finale. Couldn't take her bitchiness and her denial. Maybe that's why I like Spuffy fanfic...Buffy is a better character most times as treated by fanic writers. This chapter pretty much made me cringe with her 'primal bitch' side Here's hoping Anya and Giles help her control her freaky possessive and cruel side. Hope Spike beats the crap out of her too. The Primal Slayer needs a lesson. Love the story but I just cringe at Spike's pain and Buffy's brutality. Make it better soon so I think there can be a love bond here that both characters feel.
things will get better soon....but she was never very nice to him even in the show..even in season 7, in my opinion...she may very well have a butt-kicking coming her :) thanx

04/13/2006 06:30 pm
Interesting turn of events in this chapter! I was truly cringing throught the whole thing! Now, it is obvious that Buffy has no control when whatever it is that happens, happens. BUT, she changes back to herself after the dominance is asserted. Is she going to say that it is THAT side of her that is at fault? Will it be like Angel? "oh, but he didn't have a soul then". Cause that is a big load of BS. I think this is just a hidden part of Buffy, that is able to come forward when she is trying to be dominant with Spike. I hope he bite her when he sees her next. Let him drain her a bit, take the power away and see where things go then. Maybe the chip doesn't work on her, because whatever this other side of her is, is less than human enough to not make the chip fire! I can't wait for more!!
i agree that the whole angel/angelus thing was a load of crap...i pretty much agree with you here, but i'm not saying for sure how this story is gonna come out, but you're at least partially on the right track :) thanx

04/13/2006 06:11 pm
I wanted to introduce Buffy to hot pokers or something like that for how she was treating Spike. Good to hear it was her primal side and not both sides coming one, I was scared that was happening. I feel so sorry for Spike.
lol..again, kind of the reaction i was going for there...thanx for the review :)

04/13/2006 05:27 pm
Let's see, for some reason I'm hearing the demon made me do it, It wasn't me! Maybe I'm wrong but for some reason I'm seeing a great simularity between Buffy telling herself it wasn't her and Angel/Angelus using that excuse. Please tell me I'm wrong. That was probably one of the most disturbing chapters I've ever read. Well written, but disturbing.
i agree with you, i never bought that excuse either...a parallel will be drawn was supposed to be disturbing, so thank you :)

04/13/2006 05:17 pm
Dramatic tension, I can take, done it myself. But this...If you meant for us to "see red," than I am sooo there! Gonna go breathe now. I hope this gets better for Spike, and soon!
i did mean for you to "see red"... but then, i always go for the dramatic emotional :P thanx for the review :)

04/13/2006 04:05 pm
Forgot to say that at this point, I want Spike to get his power back, and then his freedom. 'Cause honestly, how is Buffy going to control the Slayer demon so she doesn't behave like this anymore? How would *this* ever turn into a healthy, equal relationship? It won't. If he happened to drain her dry right now, I wouldn't be the least bit sad. No means no.

Let's see how Buffy likes it, huh?
well, i have to say i disagree on one point...buffy could learn to control her demon in much the same way that spike learned to control his...he went from killing on a consistent basis to changing everything...for love...hmmm...let's see how things pan out for buffy ;)

04/13/2006 03:31 pm
This cotinues to be an intriguing, but very troubling story. I'm really hopeful taht things will even out soon between the two of them.
thanx for the review :)

04/13/2006 01:58 pm
Okay how many times does Spike have to say stop before the bitch STOPS! I want to back hand her so far that I'm shaking with rage right now. Stop means stop. That word isn't a game for her to play with. Stupid bitch. She needs a serious wake up call. This is beyond domination when she takes it to cruelty of that magnitude. The bitch needs to be taken down a peg or ten.
i agree with your anger, she is treating him very cruelly...and she will be taken down a few pegs :)

04/13/2006 01:37 pm
I think I sense an impending change in the winds...
could be :)

04/13/2006 01:33 pm
ok ... so either Buffy is not so human anymore or chip is still deactivated. and i'm dying to know which. are u gonna make us wait real long 4 the answer like the other times? it's funny one moment Buff's all mean and i want her punished, next she's sweet and i think she should have spike. glad spike finally stood up 4 himself

04/13/2006 12:20 pm
shit I loved it, but damn i hated it too :( it scares nme
thanx, kind of the reaction i was going for :)

04/13/2006 12:14 pm

Now that's an interesting development. Question is: Why didn't the chip fire? Faulty spellcasting -as is business as usual when it's a Willow-cast spell. Or is there something more sinister at work here? Guess we'll find out soon enough.

And WHOA, intense barely begins to describe it. You have certainly mastered the extremely difficult task of bringing out the darkness in your characters. I'm not afraid to admit that my heart was pretty much in my throat as I read this chapter. Each new paragraph made me want to look away; look anywhere but at this picture being painted. Buffy's cruelty, Spike's tears. Chilling.

Oh yes. Intense barely describes this.
we shall see...thanx, i'm glad you're enjoying it....that's exactly the reaction i was looking for :) thanx again

04/13/2006 11:16 am
Hopefully Buffy has realised that she's the one who needs to be controlled. Tragic for Spike though.

You've got us all stirred up here - brilliant!
thanx so much, got a bit more reaction than i was hoping for thanx

04/13/2006 10:51 am
Whoa! Oh! Either she's too much demon now to be recognized as human, or that chip is wonky now because of the spell. Yes! Get some of your own back against that horrible bitch Slayer, Spike. If you can hurt her, you can make her pay for raping you. She needs to go down, hard.
not telling yet about the chip...spike will use this to his advantage, i promise...he's just got to find a way around the claim first... :)

04/13/2006 10:41 am
great chapter
thanx :)

04/13/2006 09:13 am
Oh no, he's free of the chip at least where she's concerned!
yep :)

04/13/2006 08:34 am
Oh, my poor Spike!! I've got tears running down my face after, that was hard. Oooh, but you end it with the chip not firing. Whoa, please tell me there'll be more soon!!!
yep, she was quite hard on him wasnt she? poor baby...there will be more soon, i promise :)

04/13/2006 07:38 am
Woah, psycho Buffy!
yep :)

04/13/2006 07:38 am
Woah, psycho Buffy!
yep :)

04/13/2006 07:31 am
ooooh... :)