Bag of Bones by Shadowlass
Chapter: Four

07/04/2010 02:24 pm

07/04/2010 02:24 pm

07/04/2010 02:24 pm

07/04/2010 02:24 pm

07/04/2010 02:23 pm

09/04/2006 04:40 pm
I really like Buffy's job - makes a lot of sense. Great chapter -i wonder who stole the bundle? h,mmmmmm - very lovely

05/02/2006 09:05 am
I think i know who it is. but i could be wrong.

04/20/2006 12:45 am
Eeep! Who did it?? Dawn?? Ripper???

04/19/2006 10:06 pm
wonderful read. became so engrossed in the conversation, i forgot about the bones.

04/19/2006 08:27 pm
You really showcased some 'truths' from the show in Spikes thoughts. In particular how Angel was always good, Angelus was the one that was evil, and Spike was always evil, and if he did good it was only for selfish reasons. I really liked that Buffy and Spike finally got the first meeting over with. I am looking forward to where they go from here.

04/19/2006 08:24 pm
really enjoying this story! can't wait to see what develops.

04/19/2006 08:23 pm
really enjoying this story! can't wait to see what develops.