Button, Button by anaunthe
Chapter: 8. Obedience, part 2

02/06/2008 04:37 pm
Now,I would NEVER say "Kill me.". I'd choose a different version of that wish.;)

09/07/2006 12:11 am
love it! :)

06/07/2006 10:58 am
Like I said, I don't feel one bit sorry for her. She'll get what she deserves. Another good chapter.
yeah, I've gotten some complaints that Buffy is too wishy washy. My feeling is she's just young, vulnerable, confused, and outclassed by a vampire more than 20 times her age.

05/14/2006 12:36 pm
Wow that was a twist I didn't see coming. Buffy backed into a corner asks to be killed because she knows she will never be able to survive Angelus if he tries to kill her, which he will... I really like it - just a wonderful twist - great update so far!
Thanks again. Buffy's fear of being turned just seems like such a basic part of her personality - choosing unlife would make things so much easier for her.

05/11/2006 03:51 am
Yes, Buffy you're supposed to be killing these bums. Fine time to think about that. Love the story.
Yeah, kinda strayed pretty far from the Slayery path. But you know what it's like when you don't get along with your boyfriend's friends p you have to make compromises.

04/20/2006 03:11 pm
Just catching up onm this story. Interesting conversation and cliff hanger. I want to see what happens next.
Where else would it go?

04/20/2006 04:39 am
Not bloody likely! Spike's smart enough to KNOW how Angelus would deal with him if he even tried! Poor Buffy doesn't understand Angelus OR Spike at this point but she IS starting to think/learn.

EXCELLENT Kick ass chapter!!!!!

Thanks. Spike knows exactly what he is doing and why. Angelus, we're not so sure of, but he does have a plan...

04/20/2006 03:40 am
ooooo oooooo turn her! turn her!
Thats not nice! are you always a rabble rouser?