Your Heart Will Lead You Home by The Space Between
Chapter: Cleveland rocks!

05/11/2006 02:52 am
who's the vampire? and oh my God, is Buffy pregnant?? on to read more and find out :)

04/21/2006 07:14 am
Just realized there were two chaps. in the update, so I'm reading this one after the last.

Buffy's pregnant! Oh, cool...when's Spike popping up?
Tut, tut...Buffy's sickness and the darkness in her blood might not be related.

A pregnant Buffy? Hmm..there's a thought...

04/20/2006 07:02 pm
Evil, rotten cliffie writer! I just got caught up with this story and am wondering why they went to Cleveland instead of Florida. Still have no idea WTF Hank is. More story please. to tell the story as it swirls around in my brain.

I have a seperate pages with all of these ideas..its funny really. I started out with this story in my head and as I picked over parts of it, my mind took me on little detours here and there, thus giving the whole story an actual plotline and as believable as the actual lives Joss himself created with the show.

More soon :)

04/20/2006 03:26 pm
is that Spike? is it? is it?common you can tell us.
You'll find out next chapter :)

04/20/2006 03:14 pm
Good chapter.Is Buffy pregnant?Is Spike back?Is it Angel?Am I sounding like a commercial?Update soon.
LOL To answer your questions in the order they were asked:

maybe/possibly/could be/not at all ^^

04/20/2006 07:49 am
I loved this chapter and how it caught us up on where the Scoobies are. But the real questions are: why is Buffy sick, and who is the vampire. I have guesses on both counts and am eagerly awaiting to see if I am right. :D
Oooooh...there's gonna be some MAJOR Scoobies action coming up soon. (be forewarned though..gonna be a LOT of angst too) but its all for the best...muahahaha