Your Heart Will Lead You Home by The Space Between
Chapter: Letters I Forgot to Send

05/11/2006 02:55 am
okay....angel's gettin a little psycho here...spike needs to come back now!! love this story, did i mention that? ;)
Neat! /blushing

Thanks so much! :)

04/21/2006 03:11 pm
And Angel the possessive comes forth. Seriously the guy needs to be told the meaning of'letting go'
Thanx 4 the update.

I'm seriously considering a dusty end for this guy. Then again, he's been dusted only to come back again....

04/21/2006 01:15 pm
Well, that last bit can't lead to good.

04/21/2006 08:40 am
Interesting about all those letters. Was money contained in any of them? Angelus is becoming dangerous again.
Angelus has always been dangerous...he's just been somewhat contained...

...for the moment...

04/21/2006 07:09 am

When will we get to why Angel's reacting so strongly to what's in her blood? When did it get there?

04/21/2006 05:38 am
Thanks for the great update I hope those letters help Buffy with her anger at her father. And I really hope that Angel will be able to controll his demon before things go to far. I can't imagine Buffy being to pleased with him if he doesn't.
Buffy and Dad definitely need to have a looooong talk.

Too bad the 'run away' complex was learned from the best of teachers...her Father...

04/21/2006 04:27 am
love the update. had to remove the first attempt to comment. my major dislike of angel was causing my comments to question why this,why that? so... i am an idiot. i enjoy the way you tell your story and then i am going to tell you how not to do it. that makes me an idiot. thanks for the fine read.
Heehee...its my job to keep you on the edge wondering WTF is she thinking!!!

More to come soon^^

04/21/2006 03:21 am
Oh no. Hurry back from the great beyond Spike. LOL.