It Happened One Night by GoldenBuffy
Chapter: Chapter Four: Crumbled Illusions

Excellent. :-)
05/15/2010 10:20 am

09/27/2007 04:18 am
just have to love anya, except for her lack of taste. very good read, thank you.
Anya's awesome! Glad you liked.

05/29/2007 06:15 am
Gotta Love Anya - great explanation for how and why she becomes pregnant -
Yeah. Anya's great. Loved her a bunch, to bad Joss killed her. *sniff* Thanks for the review.

11/24/2006 02:25 pm
That was just fun. And Anya's comment was great.
hee hee hee, glad you liked!

09/18/2006 07:12 am
What a wild idea! We all know that slayers don't last long. so yeah, it's totally plasible. Now to tell Spike! still bouncing! Love this, thanks for putting it down on paper and posting.
And its no surprise that Anya would know about this and not Giles. ^_^

06/11/2006 05:13 pm
I'm laughing my ass off. Excellent demon. I like a flame thrower for this one. and "I'd mate with him too!”
Laughing one's ass off is good! Flam thrower all around, but it starts to get better from here on in. ^_^

05/02/2006 05:01 am
I liked it! It is so good. I have always loved pregnant Buffy fanfics. Please continue!
Thank you! Hope you stick with me! ^_^

04/24/2006 10:50 pm
I like this story and the chapter was good. Can't wait for the next update.
Thank you!

04/24/2006 04:51 pm
Another good update. Look forward to more.
Thanks Tasha!!!!

04/24/2006 02:35 pm
Gotta love Anya...

And next chapter...the giant explosion from this new bit of news! LOL
You don't think Giles laid into Buffy enough already? lol I think there's a bit more to be had though. Anya can feel the love. ^_^

04/24/2006 12:44 pm
great chapter
Thank you!

04/24/2006 12:19 pm
Two things....gotta love Anya and her persepctive on things, it's quite refreshing

Second, whenever someone goes with the "oh yah!" in their head I just keep hearing Macho Man Randy Savage bellowing that line :)

The story is very interesting at the moment I must say, can't wait to see how Joyce reacts.
See, now I'm going to have Macho Man in my head going "Oh yeah!" lol. I'm glad you're finding the story interesting so far, stay with me!

04/24/2006 07:53 am
Thanks for the update, I love how Anya stood up for herself when she knew what was going on with Buffy. She always knows far more then she is given credit for. And Xander and Giles, they are always so condemning of Buffy and any action of hers that they don't think is appropriate. They won't allow her any room for error and they don't seem to really care as much for her happiness as keeping her to the standard they set for her. As for Spike I am looking forward to a time when at least Buffy will she him for who he really is and how much he has changed.
You're welcome. Yeah, Anya just couldn't sit around not sharing what she knew, now could she? lol Soon, Buffy will see the errors of her ways.

04/24/2006 06:36 am
I just started reading this and you have me hooked. I'm just a little annoyed with Buffy's attitude, but that's nothing new. I really hope she does tell him about the baby soon. He has every right to know and it would probably be hard to keep that a secret when the baby is born. She's just so stubborn and I can't believe she actually thinks Spike would eat his own baby. God, she really doesn't know anything about him, does she? And she should know that getting another demon to kill her is not his style. Stupid Buffy, okay, done with my rant now. I'm sure she'll change her attitude soon enough. It would probably help if her friends were more supportive, mainly Giles and Xander. They always have to be against everything. Xander really has no place to talk knowing his track record. Okay, now my rant is really! More please!
Yay, I got you hooked! I know, if only she had more support, or just didn't give a care to what others thought. But her eyes will open sooner or later.

04/24/2006 05:33 am
When does Spike find out? Does he totally flip or what? I gotta know so More, more, More, Please.
Well if I told you it wouldn't be a surprise now would it,lol. He'll find out, but not for a few more chapters. But you'll have to wait to read his reaction.

04/24/2006 04:56 am
Great job GB! I like this fic a lot! You're doing a fab job, the break away obviously did you good!
Thanks BSB!!! ^_^

04/24/2006 04:52 am
lol, can we beat on Xander and Giles for a while. I truly hate them :P
Yes, beat away! lol