Blood Bound by DreamsofSpike
Chapter: The Secret

05/03/2006 03:47 pm
poor spike - Buffy does not deserve him, she shouldn't keep it a secret even if they would react badly to the news
but she always did, didn't she? :(

05/01/2006 11:43 am
great chapter
thanx :)

05/01/2006 03:03 am
Oh no, Buffy. Let's not tell Giles what you've done. Let him find out in some spectacularly awful way! LOL about Buffy and Spike exercising self-control. Better and better JL
lol...not too bright is she? :) thanx

04/30/2006 01:56 am
Great chapter. I really feel for Spike. I don't dislike Buffy as much but she can really be hurtful with her words although I believe it is unintentional.
you're right, it is unintentional...she's just incredibly self-centered...but she'll learn :)

04/29/2006 01:27 am
Eagerly awaiting the meeting with the Scoobies to see how or if they can keep this a secret!
we'll see :)

04/28/2006 11:23 pm
Buffy is a Bitch plain and simple :P

04/28/2006 07:40 pm
buffy seems to have a talent for making a bad situation worse. fanastic read,thanks
always did, didn't she ? :)

04/28/2006 05:04 pm
fantastic chapter! Wah! I wanna know what is going to happen at the meeting...
comin up next chappie :)

04/28/2006 04:35 pm
MAN... they finally were getting a chance to talk but they both never really took the steps to tell the complete truth. I am so glad that at least they did open some communications...Hope they can keep this all in check before the others find out the hard way. Great chapter.
yep, they have communication problems :P lol... you'll have to wait and see as to the rest :)

04/28/2006 03:36 pm
Poor Spike. I feel so bad for him since Buffy isn't being very considerate of his feelings, as usual.
nope, she's all centered on her own problems :(

04/28/2006 03:03 pm
:;whimper:: It hurts me when real Buffy hurts him.
yep, she's just being very selfish about it :)

04/28/2006 02:50 pm
Any sympathy I might have had for Buffy has gone right out the window. She's doing my head in now! Me me me me me! Nothing new there but she's so nasty! Grrrr. And wasn't it Giles's bright idea in the first place?
yep, she's very self-centered about it...yeah, it was giles' idea, but he knew nothing about the sex or the biting or claiming or anything like that...

04/28/2006 01:38 pm
I hope she is enjoying her swim in the Nile! Poor Spike! Very good chpater.

04/28/2006 10:02 am
I just can't feel sorry for Buffy here at all. If she had been trying to do something with honorable intentions, and it went wrong, leaving her this way, that would be one thing. But this whole idea was ridiculous and completely unnecessary, and therefore...she made her bed, and now must lie in it. It's her own damn fault for not approaching this kind of ritual with all seriousness, and the mature thing to do now would be to own up to the mistake and get it put right, including removing herself from harming those around her until the matter is resolved. Some warrior for good! Bah!

Where's Joyce to give Spike a good hug when he needs one? Poor thing...he's brought up some very good points, and she's too selfish to look at them logically for the good of the big picture. I want some of the truth to come out at that meeting, at least. I want Buffy to be forced to admit what's going on...and Giles can share in the guilt for bringing the idea up in the first place. Abusers get away with that crap because they can do it in secret. No longer!!
no, she's not handling the situation right at all...but then in my opinion her morals in the show were always a bit skewed....and i agree that the others need to see what's happening to whether or not they will...we'll see :)

04/28/2006 08:58 am
Would it be possible for Buffy to inadvertently absorb some of Spike's intelligence while she's doing her mind reading tricks?
that would be cool, wouldn't it?

04/28/2006 08:55 am
oh dear. I read this and I feel for them so much. Both of them. I can totally understand spike's feelings but he doesnt understand buffy's so that makes them feel hurt by eachother so much and it is sad. I see it that was even if it isnt your intention. I see it as buffy hating that she is so crule (kinda) that she doesnt want giles to know. I meen i am sure she doesnt want him to know any of it but it would be hard to talk to your father figure about the fact that you had sex with the 'evil' vamp and then claimed him and went all psyco on him. I dont think I could do it.
Amazing chapter it really made me emotional
yeah, it's just a lot of misunderstandings...more will be revealed soon :)

04/28/2006 08:51 am
forgot about the meeting. wonder how's it gonna go.
we'll see :)

04/28/2006 08:19 am
//And Buffy was utterly unaware as once again his heart shattered in pieces at her feet.//

And ours break right along with him.

Poor Spike. Hope Anya finds a solution soon.
yes, poor baby :(

04/28/2006 07:51 am
Ohhh the poor guys... someone help them!! Can I go help them? I wanna jump in there and wring their necks...
yeah, they always did this sort of thing, didn't they?