Your Heart Will Lead You Home by The Space Between
Chapter: Dear Diary

09/10/2006 04:12 am
what is angel going to do? he can f**king leave that's what. the face of an angel, what a joke! on a scale of 1 to ten, spike being a ten, angel rates a three. even robin rates a 7.
Ooooh the weirdness has only begun.

Being the head of Evil Inc is gonna take a toll.

05/25/2006 11:06 pm
OMG!!!OK, went back to reread chap.2 and yes, we all know that Angel has no stamina, but raped in the time it takes to call 911? please say it was just his sick fantasy! That, what he tasted in her blood was Spike's child somehow. Pretty please!!! and if he did rape her, know wonder he's giving off weird vibes, the sick B!@#*&D. Keep it coming.
Im not gonna teeeeeell...well at least not for a bit yet ^^

05/25/2006 07:55 am
very good chapter. very cruel to leave us wondering whether is dream or real. thanks for the fine read.

05/11/2006 03:03 am
ugh...angel needs serious help before he really hurts're doing an excellent job with this story, can't wait for the next update :)
Thanks so very much! :)

04/29/2006 04:18 pm
Yikes! Was that an Angelus dream? Buffy better be careful around him; seems he's starting to lose it. She needs a stake and a dust buster with her at all times.

04/29/2006 10:25 am
Did he actually do it, or did he just dream it? And if Buffy was raped, wouldn't she have felt it when she woke up? Plus, the bite on her neck?

Please, no...
She might have...then again she might not have. Slayer healing and all that...any aches and pains she winds up with pretty much burn themselves out rather quickly....

...besides, she was unconscious and got hurt in the process...she might have jotted any unusual owies down to her slip and fall...

04/29/2006 06:32 am
ok bit confused here. Angel was dreaming right? just a dream?

04/29/2006 05:56 am
ok call me confuse is he dreaming or did he actually rape her..did i miss that somewhere..i think Buffy's Prgenant but please ,please don't let it be Angel's..and if he did why doesn't she remember or does she...great chapter...N
He might have...cant really tell you that now yet can I?

/evil grin

04/29/2006 05:52 am
Angel needs to get away from Buffy now, before his dreams become reality. I wish Buffy would pay more attention to the uneasy feeling she gets around Angel. He is being way creepy. Thanks for the great update.

04/29/2006 04:41 am
Answer to Angel's question: Get away from her and get therapy!

No wonder Buffy's getting creeped out by him.