Button, Button by anaunthe
Chapter: 11. Thanks for the Memories

02/06/2008 05:27 pm
I'm too angry with Angelus to actually write a good rewiew,that bastardo! 8ol

09/07/2006 12:29 am
awwwwwwwwwwwww i love spike offering his allegiance to buffy like this.
The enemy of my enemy and all that...

07/05/2006 10:29 pm
That was the smartested thing he could have done, for both of them. Even at such a humiliating price! Very good chapter.

05/14/2006 12:50 pm
Oh i loved this chapter, what a brilliant way to demonstrate how Buffy and Spike start thier alliance. Excellant chapter update and completly believable about why Spike would be thinking about siding with Buffy!
Wow, you know, I think you are my number one supporter! Thanks again.

05/03/2006 07:10 pm
Damn I sure hope Buffy thinks about the difference in the two vampires and chooses wisely! Angelus is a bully and a jerk who obviously doesn't care for her a bit or he would never have given her to Spike. Spike didn't have to be tender, etc. and was. His words of consolation after were not what she should have expected either. Hope this was a wake up call for her.

Excellent update for this wonderfully done story.

She was also nicer to Spike than she probably needed to be - and as the saying goes, as you sow so shall you reap. Of course given the option, we'd all choose Spike over Angel, Angelus, or anyone else! But will Buffy? And what will Angelus (and Spike) have to say about it?

05/03/2006 02:41 pm
Well I hope she gets wise after that!
See if you think Buffy's next move is a wise one or not.

05/03/2006 08:26 am
Take the help! Take the help! Even if I like vamp buffy fics.....
I have to admit I do like vamp Buffy fics too. Not sure why.